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    Be carefull with cheap meters, that most of the time giving you false numbers and this hurt more than help. My hanna meter was broken at a time my economic was in resecion and I tried one of thoses yellow meters, and it made my crazy, that was a pack of two, one for ppm and another for ph, and...

    My yellow chickens doesnt want to be green nor growing anymore, they are losing some feathers...

    My yellow chickens doesnt want to be green nor growing anymore, they are losing some feathers, but still singing in the backyard...

    Stressed plants and stressed grower.

    Hard to know what he said, it could be a mix for a hydro, 5ml x gal spanish, 10ml x gal, English 1ml x gal, Japanese. And a Thai folliar mix of 1tsp for gallon... use rain water for best results.. But the good part is that I got what he said... and it is a good thing that make me smile...

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    The humidity is between 40 and 55, it is a sealed room, the CO2 at this time was 1200 to 1300 ppm, the temperature with lights on goes around 75F and with lights off around 70F, at this moment the ppm in the mix was 1230, Im using the Maxi series from GH, I follow the feeding chart for that line...

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    I have use that metter for more than 3 years and I love it, but it was the problem, that I trusted that metter so much because my own experience using it, it is a good metter and I strongly recomend it, even the ph sensor malfuntion the ppm and temperature of the water works fine... it never...

    Stressed plants and stressed grower.

    Ty, I will try but still a litle bit lost over here... I m spending to much time loking for something and trying to answer... i think i will be better in the future... thoses grow are 12 plants that arizona law let me have just because where i live, we have no dispensary over here so they give...

    I will take closer pics tonite after the lights go on, but im new here and still have a lot of...

    I will take closer pics tonite after the lights go on, but im new here and still have a lot of problem to move and post and answer, also my languaje barrier...

    What is GH's KoolBloom powder and liquid nutrients for?

    Thank you, yes I using ArmorSi, i like the same line of nutrients you like, but i m using the maxi series... Thank you for the advise, i going to reduce de nutrients ppm.

    Stressed plants and stressed grower.

    Thank you, i have some languaje barrier, im spanish speaker but I learning from advices like the one you just give me... and I m trying to find more advices and a solution to save my plants, thank you again.
  10. JJARTS

    No one answer me, my plants are still yellow but alive

    My ph meter showed a very low ph 4 days ago, I just add buster to raise it, but I didnt see a big change, so I put more and more ph up, next day I found out my meter was malfuntioning and it was giving me the wrong lecture and I have raised the ph when was not need for it, as a result my plants...
  11. JJARTS

    No one answer me and my plants are still yellow but alive.

    No one answer me and my plants are still yellow but alive.
  12. JJARTS

    What is GH's KoolBloom powder and liquid nutrients for?

    My ph meter was giving me the wrong lecture and i didnt know, so i raise the ph when they didnt need it, more and more until I found next day that the meter sensor was malfuntioning but a this time my plants were yellowing and sick... how i be able to help then to heal and pass the stress, some...
  13. JJARTS

    Stressed plants and stressed grower.

    3 days ago I found the ph in my mix nutrients solution was low more than usual, a day before I did a foliar to my 12 plants with a formula to clean the white powder mildew in some leaves at the botton, I thought the low ph was because some drain in the buckets and finally to my reservoir...but...
  14. JJARTS

    How often do you have to change your water in your res?

    I change it every week , first because after the second week the plants eat more and I have to put everyday more water to compensate the level, I have a 45 gallons reservoir that I fill to the top when start my week, and next day when the lights go on, the tank is 3/4 full, so when I check de...
  15. JJARTS

    What is GH's KoolBloom powder and liquid nutrients for?

    The diference is tha koolbloom is not food, it is to increase the size and estimulate the flowers or fruits in the flower period, the dry one they recomend to use it at the last week to ripen before flush..
  16. JJARTS

    PH changing in hydro to rapidly.

    But he said he use peroxide and it can be bad for beneficial bacteries... cilica raise the ph as calmag, but nutrient base(food) use to low ph... so when mixing the nutrients , you must start (if use them) with cilica and calmag, they will raise the ph considerably, sometime more than 8.0, after...