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  1. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Not on hand , I have a bull rider that im growing , it was just a test plant to see how it does and i love it, i also lollipoped it ,ill take a pic and post it around 3pm pacific time lol , yea now that you know the importance of root space these new plants should be very Nice, if you would have...
  2. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Also if theres bottom stems that are up there with your other main tops you can leave those and just cut off the little sites on those branches!, if you didnt understand that let me know lol
  3. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    you wont regret it, and yea 30% is the max you want to do ! I cant wait to see these girls flowering man lol, so when your last day veg? thursday?
  4. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    yea i know but didnt get anygrowth due to root bound and not enough root space, the thing with indoor growing is that the light only is hitting tops and the further light travels the less intensity and energy its able to give to the lower side of the plant, instead of plants wasting it energy on...
  5. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    theres some vids on youtube that show you how to lollipop look it up , id do it now so they can recover by the time you flower
  6. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    looks good man , what kind light your using and how far are they? id veg till friday bro ,looks just about ready to go id like to see a bit more foilage thats why. looks good tho
  7. STLbudz

    neem oil questions

    no you shouldnt spray anything after 3-4th week when buds start to swell before then yes, reason why is becuase if your buds swell all that humidity will cause mold on your buds, I mix both neem and azmax for my preventive or to kill pests
  8. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    you should clone and lollipop your plant ? what strain is the current 1? , take a overall pic of your plant
  9. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Id really wait 1 week till you do , but if your absolutly in a rush go ahead on monday like i said if it were me id wait till friday or something , you need to treat those roots nice and theyll reward you man I know you really want to go into flower already but do yourself and the plant a favor...
  10. STLbudz

    neem oil questions

    neem itself wont kill them its more for preventing, if you want to get rid off them i personally use azmax , its the best , i spray the whole plant and give a good mist on top soil
  11. STLbudz

    SD's dyna coco hempy grows, Girl Scout Cookies, OG, Blue Dream x Tahoe

    its more dream dom. for sure but you can tell it has Og in it,because of how the buds are bouldering up ,if that makes anysense lol
  12. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    you still got em in veg? and give em 2.5 ml/half tsp per gal, just wait today and tomorrow then feed
  13. STLbudz

    Gdp,phantom,candyland outdoor

    What up guys so today i noticed that my girls looked a bit lanky so i started to check internodes and seen lil hairs:/ (flowering) , i had been a bit lazy this past week on inturupting the light cycle so its my fault uggghhhh, going to set some cfls over em on a timer to throw em back to veg ...
  14. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Looks alot better than before
  15. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    It very potent stuff , but at a 5ml/tsp shouldnt do anything , some people do half teaspoon , i do 5 ml, since thats not my plant and i dont know exact conditions just do half. thats about half the cap of the bottle
  16. STLbudz

    SD's dyna coco hempy grows, Girl Scout Cookies, OG, Blue Dream x Tahoe

    frosty, looks more on the sativa side? but looks good
  17. STLbudz

    Dutch passion 30 days into flowering

    I take mine with a calculator , there no way Im going to buy a 200+ cam lol
  18. STLbudz

    Cherry Pie and Blue Dream Yield?

    Dude wtf get that shit out of here!
  19. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    white tips? there usually yellow, a faded yellow at first that it looks white, thats nute burn, but if its just the tips then it was a VERY light burn , nothing to get worried about i get those lil tips often when im pushing em!
  20. STLbudz

    yellow leaves lower some spotting

    Its readily available when you water its organic so the plant will take it when it needs it , the plant stem wont turn back to green, look at the new stem growth it will be green , just watch when you add that super thrive on your next feed! Also It very very i will cut any leaves off and if i...