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  1. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    like describe the feeling?? i know its nothign just wanna have some idea as to waht to expect
  2. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    So i recently turned 18 a few months ago and i have realized i can now get a tatoo but.... idk what to get or how much they are priced and how it feels when there puttting the needle on...any advice would be welcome describing price, and pain plz!!
  3. bongedman929

    Post Your Favorite Recipes (High or Not)

    i like to cook but its not my job and i usually just mix something together and then just sprinkle on the spices in consider amounts idk how to describe but all i know is that it works and my gf loves it my favorite recipe is Biscuits and gravy one tube of sausage bisquick mixing powder milk...
  4. bongedman929

    The difference between now and legalization for the suburban stealth stoner

    ya i know it would be marketed and it would all be expensive shit imo but if it gets legalized im gonna start growing
  5. bongedman929

    Smoking Stories!

    dam dude thats tight you didnt get caught, pretty fucking lucky, i always tell people when im out and about doing somethign illegal i say if theres cops that show up i was never here and if they do show up i will run my ass off for five miles before even thinking about stopping, plus i hate the...
  6. bongedman929


    i roll with zigzags but im a fan of swishers grape flaovered since i like the smell when high
  7. bongedman929

    Texas people?

    College station and not much just thinking about smoking a bowl
  8. bongedman929

    The difference between now and legalization for the suburban stealth stoner

    i feel ya its bullshit that people are always flipping out about how bad weed is.... i heard some kids tell me that they heard it can kill you and that you can fuck up your life with it and i seriously wanted to pull out the joint i had and say well then lets try shall we, but people need to...
  9. bongedman929

    Po po stories?

    i was with some friends in a cul de sac in the neightborhood i lived in there were no houses or anything and so i have a fat blunt rolled and me and three others start smoking with it and then we are halfway through when someone watching the cars screams COPS!!! and i looked to see a cop car...
  10. bongedman929

    Smoking Stories!

    dam thats lucky. My first time was with my best friend we were 15 in the 10th grade and he hung out at my house that weekend so we end up walking around in the woods find a cabin hotbox the shit out of it and i remeber i wasnt really high i just couldnt stop laughing and then a few weeks later...
  11. bongedman929

    The difference between now and legalization for the suburban stealth stoner

    the differnece i can see is that youll be able to buy blunts at the gas stations and all that but what if its more expensive or taxed i would probably just grow my own or continue with my dealer its good but it will also change smoking pot forever, and i too am a fellow suburb stoner who smokes...
  12. bongedman929

    so i have smoked alot of pot recently

    lol im hoping so i have started the cycle to getting clean, im not gonna smoke for 3 days!!!!
  13. bongedman929

    Smoking Stories!

    well nothing like my first time, but ya i just got home. Long story yesterday i was hanging out with my friend and we blazed a bit and then i just told him keep loading the bowls so were driving along and smoking out of my pipe when i tell him to go off road and we get stuck so i call a friend...
  14. bongedman929

    Does anyone live in Texas?

    like hour and half away from houston, its where Texas A and M is
  15. bongedman929

    Does anyone live in Texas?

    was up im in the college station and i do know granbury and i do know its boring there i feel your pain
  16. bongedman929

    What would you do?

    man that sucks i hate it wehn people make a deadline or date or something and then never show up just smoke and say man it was ready waiting for you and you never came just light up and say you smoked for him to so its all good
  17. bongedman929

    so i have smoked alot of pot recently

    well the weed is regular dro i think im gonna take a week or so off so i can kill the tolerence
  18. bongedman929

    so i have smoked alot of pot recently

    so since spring break started on monday i have smoked so much that now when im high its kinda hard to tell and im not as high for long, any ideas on how to get the ultra high... i mean last night i smoked like 6 bowls and i was high but not like whoa im high you know wat i mean??any ideas?
  19. bongedman929

    favourite munchies food

    jack in the box number 4 defently
  20. bongedman929

    smokout sessions while driving??

    lol yeah i was blazed and i saw the popo on a service road and was like wtf did i do i jhope he is not following me lol