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  1. bongedman929

    i have an idea for RIU

    Im 18 and am still in highschool and i started smoking for rec. use in the tenth grade now three years later i smoke alot usually in the mornings before school and then alot on the weekends. but i play sports at my school and i love to run i dont know why but i do but i used to hate it but now i...
  2. bongedman929

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    Im 18 and i go to a private school and am christian but havent been to church since i was nine... but i smoke weed alot and when i first started back in the tenth grade i smoked and then stopped because i felt really bad about smoking and i didnt know why..... so then about five months later i...
  3. bongedman929

    Post Your Favorite Recipes (High or Not)

    mmmmm cheesecake... soooo good... i suggest using crushed up graham crackers and butter to make teh crust.... its soooooooooooooooo good my mommy does it when she makes her cheesecake, i love it
  4. bongedman929

    Stress! how do u deal with it?

    ya i smoke weed for my stress, but then again i dont really get stressed out, only when i procrastinate and then have to do a huge project for a class and i dont have long to do it then i get stressed, but i smoke weed and listen to music while smoking the weed and then play video games while...
  5. bongedman929

    Question (newbie toker here)

    how long does it take smoke to go stale? cuase i remember last night i was hitting my pipe and then i went off and came back 45 secs later and then inhaled the smoke and coughed my ass off.... i thought it was just me
  6. bongedman929

    Favorite "Gettin High" song?

    i must be high by SPM either chopped and screwed or not its a good song either way
  7. bongedman929

    So what do you do for a living?

    ok listen to wat im about to tell you....i used to be a prep cook for a ski resort that did weddings and stuff, i made lots of cash like 1200$ every two weeks for working 8 hour day and you could go on lunch leave blaze come back and they wouldnt really care or do anything and alot of people...
  8. bongedman929

    700plant Grow Op Raided

    how much pot can a single plant produce?? and the math adds up to 700,000$ worth of pot accoarding to the D.EA. who says the average street value is 1000$ per pound so A. those cops are dirty pot stealing commies who can go fuck themselves and they are dirty liar 3-6 million wow just wow B...
  9. bongedman929

    cleaning your bowl

    or so your say your fine.... wat type of alcohol ( not liquor) and i know rubbing but does it have to be anything specific concetration
  10. bongedman929

    been high all spring break

    and wait who's avatar?
  11. bongedman929

    been high all spring break

    i would like to think after doing extensive study all week long and cannabis that you should pass
  12. bongedman929

    been high all spring break

    lol spring started for me this week too and lettme tell you i dont think there was a moment till thrusday that i was sober i smoked soooo much, its a shame though that its sadly its coming to end :(
  13. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    i like bob, and i just woke up to realize its friday?!?!? and anyways when packing a bowl is there a certain way you have to load it?? can you take half a nug and just stuff and smoke? or do you haave to break it up and then load??
  14. bongedman929


    Wait!!!! i just woke up and realized its friday?!?!? wtf?? ive been high all week long...anyways i have a question when packing a bowl is it ok to take a nug or a piece of a nig and just stuff it and smoke?? is there a special to load a bowl?
  15. bongedman929

    Bump If You're Baked!

    lol i just blazed man
  16. bongedman929

    Polar Bears dying From Climate Change

    man that is bad i hate hearing about this shit cause it makes me wanna go biserk and kill wasteful people and then ones causing these problems but i did not just say that so its all good
  17. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    well i dont care if it shows when swimming but just when im around my parents and workplace cause my dad always tells me son if you get a tattoo dont come home
  18. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    i was think upper back of shoulder maybe
  19. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    that would take hours to do because it might be hard to make a 16 inch lollipop
  20. bongedman929

    Im gonna get a tatoo.....

    where is a place to put it thats awesome but hidden from common eyes??