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  1. STLbudz

    Gdp,phantom,candyland outdoor

    I longed wondered how this would look indoor ... Here it is . Day 35 pink champagne
  2. STLbudz

    Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

    @Trich_holmes how many beans did you pop?
  3. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    Just some eye candy .. On day 29 and my stretch is all over might grow up another inch but done for the most part wich is great because Im in a 62 in tent (5ft) H light is 20" away and can't raise my light anymore . Anyway .... Anyone feel free to post there scrog and teq
  4. STLbudz

    Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

    @skyrocket girl is looking sexy !
  5. STLbudz

    Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

    1 of my foul mouth (day 20)phenos smells of Cookie dough and menthol . The name does her right looks like she's gnna be one filthy loud girl
  6. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    4 weeks later ;) I got lazy with tying down so lil in even .but not bad only pushing 360 watts 30x30 I'll be choping in 4 weeks
  7. STLbudz

    Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

    I bet that bitch greasy af !!!!!(no Joke!)had a drool sensation ! I needa find this pheno ;) how many beans you popped just put in 6 hopefully get 3 girls atleast
  8. STLbudz

    Red eyed genetics thread

    Red eyed used madds tripoliXclementine ? Or one of there own phenos of there own packs ?
  9. STLbudz

    A/c and room . Need help

    Here's a update on my room . I have my co2 on a timer ppms range from 700-900 I had a big humidity problem during night time that's fixed now my LG is doing a great job humidity stays around 40 temps are 67 night 78-80 day . I lost my first run due to root aphids !!!! How I get em idk ?? But had...
  10. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    @jacrispy what strain is that ? Looks good man I turned out great .
  11. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    @horribleherk yeah doing 9 plants scrog in 3x3 was too much for me . Also my pink champagne plant doesn't stretch much so probably only gnna tie down 1st week only ..
  12. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    Nice is that from just 1? How long you tie em down ? And how often did you prune ?
  13. STLbudz

    Scroggers I need help!

    How you guys been what's new ? I learned a lot from last scrog . This time I let plant grow about 3 foot . Single plant scrog btw. Then I super cropped and bent all branches over and laid screen right on top .
  14. STLbudz

    Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

    Stoked to see what phenos you get. Just about to take some clones off mine tonight and flip on Sunday !
  15. STLbudz

    Organics and LEDs

    @Thorhax got any pics of the ghost train haze 9??
  16. STLbudz

    Rockwool overwater maybe

    I think it's deprived from stuff but don't think it's organic . The owner used to own advance too before he broke off its okay but rather use A N and didn't have the funds at the time . Going to give a little more P . Do you guys wait to feed until rockwool fully dries
  17. STLbudz

    discoloration - cupping of some leafs

    Epsom works good and your on the verge of not being able to foliar no more , could be ph something I'm fighting with my new medium (rockwool) looks like your pushing em a lil hard too so your probably locking out nutes . I'd follow Braders advice. Back off nutes a tad
  18. STLbudz

    Help! Nutes Burned my Girl Scout Cookie???

    Dont water again if you already did . Theve already took the damage let them coupe they'll be fine just back off a little lighter a bit next feed . Blue dream is very easy to grow.. Gsc little pickier. Don't suffocate the roots of you water again trying to flush it then you'll have a over...
  19. STLbudz

    Rockwool overwater maybe

    I like to see what work for people
  20. STLbudz

    Rockwool overwater maybe

    @Budley Doright where do you like your ph at? I do not like the purple stems . Haha I have some floralicious wich is aminos going to see if it helps .