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    Flowering week 4 ur opnian?

    plants are healthy looking but the reason your buds arent big and fat is because you dont have enough light
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    DWC - the dreaded claw leaves ---help :(

    week 7 flower? looks like week 1 to me all i see is pistils no calyx or bud formation i would think about getting a real light instead of CFLs if you want real buds
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    Light green around edges of leaves?

    cal mag defiency and a little nitrogen SHES HUNGRY MAN
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    Leaves green but limp and lifeless, new growth is twisty and has yellow tips. Help!

    Well you have yellow tips Overnute. and wilting like that is usually due to underwater.
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    Newbie, thinking over nute happening

    It looks really healthy to me no over nute
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    400w 1st hydro grow in grow tent

    PPM = Parts per million... AKA how strong your nutrient mix is. If you have any hopes of Growing hydroponically i would Read up on PPM
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    First week flowering and still plagued by new growth yellowing

    dude your freaking out over nothing that is Completely normal all my plants do that and come out just fine
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    What is this?

    I forgot what week but its been over 3 months and i fought root rot for about a month so itd gotten about 2 good weeks of veg so far and then i started seeing those dots at about 800ppm so every 4 days i would up ppm abd yesterday i put it to 1350 from 1150
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    What is this?

    400W Hps at about 18 inches away. No ozone generator. in a Tent 6.5X6.5X6.5. and ill give it 1000ppm a try
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    What is this?

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    What is this?

    Pics without HPS on
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    What is this?

    No i do not foliar feed... and no White fungus or anything i did battle Root rot but the roots are amazing now Super White and Fish boney looking (hairs that come off roots). I just cant seem to figure it out. I am gonna do a Full Nute change and leave PPM at 1350. The only thing i can think of...
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    What is this?

    i check PH twice a day as well as PPM its aeroponics Ph is always at 5.8-6.2 and ppm is at 1350 been increaseing every 4 days using distilled water with GH Flora 3 part. And its starting to appear on new growth after it gets established. I thought maybe i was underfeeding but at almost 1400 PPM...
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    What is this?

    Wondering if the spots on the leaves is a Deficiency or Fungus gnats attacking the leaves. I know its not spider mites because i looked underneath with a Microscope. Any ideas?