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    Smells like GREEN Spirit!!! NIRVANA Rules!!!

    I recently purchased a few strains from Nirvana and I must say I was completely satisfied with the prices, the speed at which it was delivered but most of all the customer service was exceptional. I had a bit of a problem with my order and Alice (Customer Service) was very cool and...
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    temps at night fact or myth

    Im up north and during the day with the lights on i can maintain temps of 75 to 80.. at night it drops down to mid 50's.. i found 2 males and wanted to experiment with them so I put them in an upstairs bathroom.. Once brought upstairs to a more consistent temp (and way less lights) the 2...
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    Homemade C02 questions

    Well although you have a dickish way of explaining yourself I do agree that it was a common sense situation.. I will say I was scrambling to get everything put together before my family came for xmas.. (I work 2 jobs and my wife is pregnant so this is just a hobby to keep me from going...
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    Homemade C02 questions

    Lil Jon i dont have all day to putz around the internet looking for clues so I asked... luckily MCpurple is cool enough to help
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    Homemade C02 questions

    thanks mcpurple!
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    Homemade C02 questions

    I just made a homemade CO2 generator using the yeast, sugar and water technique. I'm using a Folgers Coffee can and I have aquarium tubing running directly to the base of my plants.. my question is do I put the aquarium tubing under the water or above the water and bubbles?? I'm under the...
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    scwascwa's new CFL grow :)

    how do you know when to top them and also how long did you wait before you started LST?
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    Poppin my cherry with CFL's and Fridge

    Yea i actually had temps as high as 110 but luckily i can check it often and was able to remedy the problem with the help of this site.. I have configured my fridge so that I'm averaging about 72 degrees.. The CFL's put out more heat than i expected. My friend is letting me borrow a really...
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    Poppin my cherry with CFL's and Fridge

    Thanks for the input Guru! Yea at first I thought that the fridge would be ideal bcuz im up north and I figured it would keep it a good temp inside but its getting really hot.. I added a window fan to the back of the fridge and that has cooled it down quite a bit.. I have also drilled new...
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    6th Weeks into Flower - First Grow - Pics

    awesome for your first time!! I hope I have as much luck as you.. whats the benefit of molasses in your water?
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    Poppin my cherry with CFL's and Fridge

    Thanks for the replies Tmaster and BCBud!!! I have moved my lights up about 1 and 1/2 inches.. seems so obvious now but I have the SeeMoreBuds book and it really stresses proximity of the lights so i have been keeping them really really close... as far as heat is concerned i have taken your...
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    Poppin my cherry with CFL's and Fridge

    any ideas?? anybody??
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    Poppin my cherry with CFL's and Fridge

    Ok I have been lurking around this site for about a month now and I figured my best shot at being good at this is to ask some questions. Its my first time growing and I need some advice from some of the OG's.. I'm using a hollowed out refrigerator meaning I sawed a hole between the freezer...