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  1. Wasted Seed

    michael slager

    When growing up my father always told me to not run from the police because they can and most likely will shot at you, my grandfather also said the same thing. Idk I was raised in a shit part of town where cops would shoot a lot of the time at people who ran. I can't believe he cuffed the man...
  2. Wasted Seed

    CMH or LED

    Appreciate it, I will give it a week for my mind to settle on one this is a new idea and I don't want to just pick one now then be pissed later because i didn't look hard enough.
  3. Wasted Seed

    CMH or LED

    Thanks Evil for the links. I was looking at this one, what is your opinion on it?
  4. Wasted Seed

    Hello all

    Thanks Racer. I would give you a like but I cant seem to find the button for it.
  5. Wasted Seed

    CMH or LED

    MY budget on the light or lights is 300$. I was wondering what the consensus is on LED or CMH. I am leaning more towards CMH.
  6. Wasted Seed

    Hello all

    Hi, I am new to this scene. I figured I would come here and soak up as much information as I could.