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  1. N

    Big Blue = Northern Lights #5 X Blueberry?!?!?

    Grown from clones outside, this plant is fast -- it was the first strain we harvested this year. The plants are very much shorter than our higher % sativa strains, but bushier. They look like they'd do quite well inside. More of a fruity smell from the buds than the others (I grew several of...
  2. N

    Dry White Spots

    I figured out the problem last night. There are mosquitos in the evening, so we sometimes spray on insect repellant. The night before those white spots showed up, THAT WAS WHERE WE WERE STANDING when we sprayed on the insect repellant. DUH!
  3. N

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    I figured it out just as I was falling asleep last night! We garden outdoors, and there are lots of mosquitos in the evening, so we use insect spray....and that's where we stood to use it! Duh!
  4. N

    Bright white spots and some brown spots?

    I've got the same deal. Overnight, we got these white speckles on ONE side of the plant (one out of 25). It was right after I switched to a new fertilizer that was a 16-16-16 granulated type, from a liquid nitrogen straight grow fertilizer. I though maybe we'd splashed some water on the...
  5. N

    Dry White Spots

    I was wondering if I posted this wrong? Should it be elsewhere?
  6. N

    Dry White Spots

    These are outdoor plants in the Emerald Triangle (Trinity County, CA), planted in deep beds of neutral potting soil with bloodmeal, some bonemeal and cottonseed meal mixed in at the beginning of the grow. During warm part of season (currently) watering moderately every three days; have been...