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  1. jiummyboyjones

    is this nute burn ?

    thanks for looking this only started happening after i nuted them maybe with the vinegar as well as nutes in the water its threw the ph off a little ? or if nute def what nute doi you think it is mag/cal ? do i flush ?
  2. jiummyboyjones

    is this nute burn ?

    ok now ready to go into 12/12 water is at a 1 litre to each 11 litre pot every 2nd or 3rd day depending on finger test, nutes are biobizz grow at 1ml per litre only doing that every 2nd or 3rd watering and only started a week or so because am using biobizz allgrow of my 6 young ladies 2 are of...
  3. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    thankyou man very much appreciated will do. peace :)
  4. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    im not sure but i think its to much nutes for these 4 the other 2 are fine and before the nutes so were the other 4 ive gave them plain water since it a litre per pot and will do so for at least a week then lower the nutes for the other 4 but heres some pics if its any help man. peace
  5. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    ok now ready to go into 12/12 water is at a 1 litre to each 11 litre pot every 2nd or 3rd day depending on finger test, nutes are biobizz grow at 1ml per litre only doing that every 2nd or 3rd watering and only started a week or so because am using biobizz allgrow of my 6 young ladies 2 are of...
  6. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    will do im learning as you teach ill keep you posted :) thanks man. Peace
  7. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    i have biobizz grow, bloom and top max, should i get some epsom salts too ? what sort of calcium feed would i also need ? the ballast is moved and you were right its one hot little lady :) left a mark in my room lol its outside on a tile now beside it. the purple branches are only on the 2...
  8. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    im using biobizz nutes just started bio grow and going to follow this ill be moving the ballast outside the grow room thanks for that :) much appreciated man. peace
  9. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    there you go man all nice and healthy thanks to all the help i got :-P thanks folks
  10. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    just to let you all know the children are great and thnks for all your help people :)
  11. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    new soil man to early for nutes?
  12. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    cheers man i watered them and raised the light ill also be getting a smaller fan the one i have is like a turbine lol many thanks :)
  13. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    thanks for your help much appreciated. :)
  14. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    no its well watered and moist i think it was the light making it top dry but i only watered them 5 days after re-potting and watering them
  15. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    much appreciated you'll notice 2 are different strains which arent lifting half as much the other 4 are but since the light has been moved they seem to be lowering and watered them too plain water as the soil is only 6 days old and dont want nute burn ?
  16. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    sorry light cycle is 18/6 the clones were pretty well rooted, the fan is Vents TT 125 Ventilation Fan by Esoteric Hydroponics and i dont know about the soil being too rich they have been it all mix for a while cause the jiffy plugs are in it and the roots all the way thru the pot they were in...
  17. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    ive highered the light and removed dead leaves after the last few hours they seem to be coming down i think my light was killing them and itll take time before it can be lowered id also like to thank you folks for all the help its much appreciated :)
  18. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    these clones started reaching up then started turning yellow they are under 600 watt hps was 20 inches now about 36 the soil biobizz all grow fed plain water with extractor fan and standing fan 1 hour per day to strngthen them, i think its heat strain am i right?
  19. jiummyboyjones

    plants reaching for the sky ?

    thanks chum ive lifted it 12 to make sure ill keep u posted