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  1. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    how much do you yield out of one of those 4x4 tents when you harvest? do you use a 1000w light? Im thinking i might just do 1 mother/clone tent, and 1 flower tent. the flower tent using the same setup as you have because I checked out the RDWC system and i really like it! also 1.5oz-2oz is my...
  2. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    thank you so much bro, that was really helpful! what does RDWC stand for? couldnt find that on the acronym sticky note thread. How big (LxWxH) should i make the veg tent? it would be a nice DIY project :) (which i plan to make a scrog net DIY project also, so i wouldn't mind that) Also, i got...
  3. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    thanks so much for all the input, i guess this only leaves me with the question of how big should the 2 tents be to fulfill this goal?
  4. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    ahh, okay makes sense, i see what your saying, thanks bro. so what you do is called a pseudo perp grow. thats pretty much what i was wanting too, i dont mind as long as its getting me 3oz per month. i've seen talk with both kinds of perp grow setups, so i can see why there is a different...
  5. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    thanks for the reply! the only reason i was thinking DWC is that i hear its faster to grow and harvest then soil, easier for when it comes time to flush, and i was afraid of spidermites and other bugs being attracted to the plant from soil, its why i was willing to spend a couple hundred bucks...
  6. shaggy batman

    flower tent and veg tent

    Introduction: Hey guys, first post here and my knowledge is pretty small in the growing aspect, I've done about 50+hours online just searching up and reading information about many factors, and watched a few videos from youtube. But now i need advice that some reason seems difficult to find...