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  1. SoloSlayer

    My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow

    Yes i actually had 5 all close together, i vegged them just enough nodes to find out their sex and as soon as i seen pollen sacs, ripped them out to ensure root space for remaining females, thankfully as they do, the males showed first, that has always been the case for me but a late bloomer...
  2. SoloSlayer

    My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow

    well were all family and fellow growers alike, i think a little friendly flaunting of the ladies never hurt anyone, but i wont further disrespect his 1st grow thread, sorry man and best of luck to you, just giving hope.
  3. SoloSlayer

    My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow

    yeah guys, your all coming along nicely, hell i was just joking around with my girlfriend and stuck some seeds from ok stuff in a little pot and some curiosity led me to this point, so don't let anything stop u, just stay determined and you'll succeed. Case and Point. Cut out 3 males by the...
  4. SoloSlayer

    Flowering issues

    well if im understanding this correctly from how your saying it, if your internodes are spaced enough in an area, use twine or even a tomato plant cage and tie it onto it for support, if outside, inside get creative also, some wind resistance for it in the early stages builds a stalky stem, gets...
  5. SoloSlayer

    4x26 watt 6500k cfls mystery seed

    well i have them on a 11 hours of light, 13 dark schedule, i realize yield is a loss, but fast maturity is a concern, i was content with a quarter or just over, but this may surpass that, as i said in other threads, i shouldnt even be doing this where i am, the odor bags from earthcare saved my...
  6. SoloSlayer

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread bought two of these and it controls odor for both my fems, not for a large grow, just a clandestine one that you don't want the neighbors to smell, i have used them to success, i have a strong sense of smell and i cant...
  7. SoloSlayer

    4x26 watt 6500k cfls mystery seed

    I use two 100w CFLs that actually use 27watts and a 75 that i got earlier and cant remember its usage, i get heavy sun through my back window, that has pulled these along much better than the lights alone, but i supplement them with it on cloudy days and it keeps them moving, im done vegging...
  8. SoloSlayer

    4x26 watt 6500k cfls mystery seed

    well until he fixes his resolution problem guys, how this for your appetite, just for kicks, current 2 fem sensi bag seed grow that i sleep next to every night lol the two look the same but their different colas altogether, as of March 28th in flower, indoors of course, under CFL and evening sun.
  9. SoloSlayer

    Is This Showing Sex Already?

    worst of all is they arent very potent either, depending on the strain, but the females are worth all the attention for their fruits, nobody wants balls in their bowl lol, i planted 5 bag seed recently, 3 chopped turned male and pictured the fems in a new journal entry, no one has viewed it yet...
  10. SoloSlayer

    Is This Showing Sex Already?

    just chopped 3 similar a few weeks ago to supplement the females, went through alot of trouble once to ensure ones growth and it gave me this result, was a shame and a face palm moment for me, it sucked.
  11. SoloSlayer

    First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box

    awesome stuff man, drop by the advantages and disadvantages of CFLs sticky in the CFL section, posted my grow, im itching for peoples opinion, this is my first time on any site like this and i chose this one because i felt most at home here :-)
  12. SoloSlayer

    My 2nd CFL Grow

    Great pics Cali, i only hope mine achieve such greatness, drop by and check out my flowering girls in week 3, posted pics of my strictly CFL grow in the Advantages - Disadvantages sticky, im not here at all to begin or continue any trouble, been reading this site for years, i learned everything...
  13. SoloSlayer

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    My browser was giving me a hard time so i just uploaded the pics and decided to post another, that is a strictly CFL grow, i even added a pic for proof and there is some resin on it lol, only little piece of paper lying around quick to find, give comments please, my argument for the HID and CFL...
  14. SoloSlayer

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Flowering began officially March 28th....
  15. SoloSlayer

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    im currently using nothing but CFLs i got at walmart and the evening sun to ripen my 2 females and that combined with a periodic nutrients of the correct dosage and molasses because im broke, that alone is giving me spectacular results, they just took off this morning for the races and i seen a...