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  1. H

    fan leaf problem,possable mold,mildew

    i believe i may have some sort of mold or mildew problem on one plant, a few fan leaves got black dots, which i was able to fight off by moving the plant a bit, which went away but seems to have come back with a vengence, the leaves are black spotted(very little black thogh) and yellow,they are...
  2. H

    Possable autoflowrr strain?

    he, i have 4 plants that have been under 24/0 light for 4-5 days or so and the groth still has new long white hairs, 24/0 should force veg but ive heard that even that may not force a AUTOFLOWER TO veg.hopefully they are autoflower but ive never had any so i dont much about identfying them. can...
  3. H

    Hey, If your here thanks for taking the time to look.

    Hey, If your here thanks for taking the time to look.
  4. H

    24hr or 18 hr cycle?

    Which light cycle is better for producing the fastest yeild but still bearing in mind quality, an 18/6 or 24/0 for VEG.
  5. H

    was able to bypass ventilation,luck me!

    nope, just circulate the air around thoough.
  6. H


    I just sexed my plants,all we're female,yay. Ive read all you need to do to sex a plant is look for the long white hair,which are difinatly present. this is a preflower,right? so,ewhere else I read said you have to flower the plant inorder to sex it, that means the preflower. Now if I have a...
  7. H

    Need Help! My freind is stuck on A High.

    PLease explain what hppd is. I know many people who have bough meth laced with LSD< its rare but does happin. I know that LSD overdose is almpost impossabel, but what I mean by overdose is that you took to much and it fried your brin creating the legendary PERMAHIGH. Are you a military man? I...
  8. H

    was able to bypass ventilation,luck me!

    So far it is appearent that i wont need to ventalte my room becuse its a cistern that is basic cooled by the earth as it is pluged directly into the groung. 18 hrs of light dosent even raise the temp 2 degrees in there. I have a fan pointed at my plants under the light and i leave the door...
  9. H

    REVEGGING! new to the concept!

    really, you must have done this,judging from your sentece, how long does it take to grow a few new colas and bud again,if u happen to know.
  10. H

    Need Help! My freind is stuck on A High.

    we know 4 people who overdosed on LSD<LYSERGICACID> and never camedown. after about 6 month 2 were able to be tought ways to manage the halluctions, and even ignore them sometimes, but once in while these two would go back into another world. the other two took more time and were alot less...
  11. H

    Need Help! My freind is stuck on A High.

    there is olny one drug I know of that does this, LSD<lysergicacid>. This effect of never coming down occurs when someone takes a large overdose, if frys the brain and causes one to remain high and not come down. my family personally know 4 people this has happened to. one took 6 months to get to...
  12. H

    Sea of green?? Concept help

    how long does this method take from veg to finished
  13. H

    REVEGGING! new to the concept!

    willthis palnt produce bud again though?
  14. H

    Sea of green?? Concept help

    Hello. here is what i think sea of green is, taking a clone, growing it to about 6 inch to 1 foot or so. forceing it to bud,producting one cola. you do this with maby 8 single clones to produce 8 colas as a time saving method. IS THIS CORRECT. can someone give me detalied instructions on how to...
  15. H

    REVEGGING! new to the concept!

    Hello. I have had a few converstaions with friends about taking a flowering female plant,harvesting, forcing it to revegg. My friends say that this is a waste of time since it cause the potency to deminish and cause the buds to become kinda melted(frunky). Is this true that the potency...