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    WTF collectives !

    I just wanted to say thanks and appreciate the reply. Anywhere I can go get good info on how the process of becoming a legal grower for a dispensory works? I know a guy who grows as part of a collective and he says that there are things he has to posting at his place of grow and a whole lot of...

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    Looking good. Super grow. I am also new to this and have found this site to be a virtual cornucopia of information. Just one question What is +rep? and how do you check it?

    How expensive is Advanced Nutrients? Really?

    DO I have this right, you spend 30.00 for your plant's food and it lasted 5 grows.? Please do tell what you used if this is true

    Important news about hm digital and service is horrible.

    DO yourself a favor and NEVER DEAL WITH HMDIGITAL OR ESEASONGEAR.COM. They are a joke. Personally I will never deal with that companies and their products. I purchased a meter (tds-3) from eseasongear and it arrived damaged. The calibration solution was broke because the package was a thin...

    ph meter?

    DO yourself a favor and NEVER DEAL WITH HMDIGITAL. They are a joke. Personally I will never deal with that companies and their products. I purchased a meter (tds-3) from eseasongear and it arrived damaged. The calibration solution was broke because the package was a thin envelope and not well...

    WTF collectives !

    Nice Post. Good info. Could you please elaborate on the creation of a second holding company. Does the holding company just charge the nonprofit and then keep the profit, so the non-profit is just that on paper and the holding company is a consultant to the non-profit?

    hydroponics advice

    DO your self a favor and NEVER DEAL WITH ESEASONGEAR. They are a joke. ALSO AVOID Hmdigital as well. Personally I wll never deal with or own either companies and there products. I purchased a meter (tds-3) from eseasongear and it arrived damaged. The calibration solution was broke because the...

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Anyone have an idea where to buy this stuff?

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    Raiderfan, nice work man. I love what you have done. Caould you please tell what nutrients you are using. I must have missed it and appologize ifyou already posted it. Seriously man, excellent work.


    You can use a pyrex tube and homemake a cool tube light fixture for pretty cheap. Pyrex baking tubes go for 25$ on fleabay. You can use a 3" marine 12v bilge fan and pc power supply for 120cfm of airflow. Wrap the fan in foam insulation and fasten to pyrex fixture. You can build a $10 carbon...

    Bloombox vs. Supercloset

    hello, check out my supercloset grow from the bottom ofthe page on my links. I just bought one and am debunking all the stuff needed to build one.

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    So then a 240v system would in fact be the most efficient way to use the electricity?

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Hello IAm5toned and thanks for all your effort. I appreciate what you do here. I have a few ideas concerning a cabinet grow. I'm working on currently. I got some supercloset trinity closets and they use a 120v fan system. When running, they are quite loud and this will not work for my...

    Our Medical Co-op Grow Room - Legal in our State!

    subscribed. Nice work.

    Oakland legalizing large scale grow ops

    Wow nice looking, can you share how you mix your soils. Sounds close to the high times artice i read in 2009.

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    "Right now I can grow with no question or interpretation 6 mature plants or I can get a license for 99. Under this that will now be completely under interpretation by some judge or court of judges that will not have our best interests in mind. :evil:" How do you go about gettting the license...

    TRINITY SUPERCLOSET ODYSSEY-First Timer leaps with both feet

    Seaghost & Murphy. THANKS FOR THE SUB. I think you can easily add wheels and would look for the ones that use a plate and mount 4 screws. My cabinets are going in a carpeted room, so I needed something for support and to keep the metal cabinets from scraping the ground. Home depot had the...

    Trinity Supercloset

    When you make a post, use the advanced option (not the quick post) and then click on manage attachments. you can add pictures from here. Hope That helps

    TRINITY SUPERCLOSET ODYSSEY-First Timer leaps with both feet

    Looking a little familiar from the pictures she sent me, I deduced they were Supercloset cases. Hum I went. So after a drive I arrived to find he had 3 closets and a shit pot of grow items. But the best part of the deal was the 3 36x24x72 steel closets. 2 were from Supercloset and the third was...

    TRINITY SUPERCLOSET ODYSSEY-First Timer leaps with both feet

    I saw an ad on in the newpaper and went to look at abunch of stuff from an ad for hydroponic grow equipment. Low and behold,when I got there this guy had some cabinets to sell also and said he would throw them in if I picked up everything.