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    someone with experience answer this

    thank you, im sorry for that pm im frustrated and the timer comment set me over the edge, peace.
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    someone with experience answer this

    YES I understand fuck!! the timer is fucked yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not dumb i just want to know if i should keep my 9 to 9 light cycle or change it from 5am to 5pm seeing as i just turned it off at 5pm
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    someone with experience answer this

    well yes my timer is to blame but how should i go about fixing the 2 days of 20 hour light they received should i just keep it from 9pm to 9am or should i change to 5am to 5pm
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    someone with experience answer this

    im in day 25 of flowering my light cycle is from 9pm to 9am yesterday my light stayed on untill 5 pm i turned it off as soon as i notice but they got 20 hours of light, seeing as it was one time i let the lights turn back on at 9pm, today the SAME GOD DAMN thing happened should i turn them on at...
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    this is what a smart man thinks of obama

    That is ridiculous there isn't enough money for everyone to be rich. Some people are dead beats and choose to be poor but the current situation is leaving educated hard working ambitious people on the street in much bigger numbers than the ones that want to be poor. Centralized banking has...
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    this is what a smart man thinks of obama

    In principal why would the average citizen need a gun? The United States Civil war has been over for 150 years. Due to the scarcity of money and our poor economic structure there are always a good percentage left poor, addicted to drugs and homeless. These people are left out to dry and...
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    Brown: World needs 'global New Deal' - World domination, here we come.

    so how can we push to have the unjust and no longer valid laws removed? Do we need to put all our trust into one political candidate and set him off into the corrupt system and hope he somehow succeeds to get in power, and if he does there is no guaranty that he won't turn once he is elected...
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    this is what a smart man thinks of obama

    IMO Obama scares me, but so did the alternative. First off I believe he should in fact prove he was born in the unites states. More importantly there is no global difference between the two political parties only minor issues to give the illusion that you are in a democracy and are making a...
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    Ontario Canada

    where in Ontario?? it's a big place, just don't drink and drive there real anal about that. should be 10/gr 25-30 1/8 and so on
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    Brown: World needs 'global New Deal' - World domination, here we come.

    what can be done about all this?? does anyone know how we can push to get away from centralized banking and have an interest free currency?
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    Can you tan with an HPS???

    I can't say 100% for sure but it sure feels that way when your spend time in your room my face feels burnt if i spend too much time in there.
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    Brown: World needs 'global New Deal' - World domination, here we come.

    From what I understand the whole monetary system is flawed, as technology evolves there will inevitably be less jobs. We exchange labor for money, as technology improves less labor is needed. We are fighting are own progress. When all the money is loaned in the first place to the people of it's...
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    help, light timer didnt work in flowering

    anyone? i would need to know within the next hour or so.
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    help, light timer didnt work in flowering

    my light is on 8pm to 8am during flowering this morning at 10am during the dark period i lost power and my light by default came on and i only noticed at 5pm when i got home, i turned it off right away. whats the best way to proceed? im on day 10 of flowering, should I turn it on at 8 pm to 8 am...
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    Reflection is a must?

    I'm sure its flat not glossy, and as previously stated cardboard will absorb moisture and grow fungus give your grow a better chance and start with a decent set up to avoid future problems. Tin foil is horrible at reflecting light, Do not use!!
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    Spraying foliage with water

    it's important to keep the stomata clean by spraying the underside of the leaves where they all meet very week or two, a clean stomata will absorb c02 faster and keep your girls happy Also the spray will actually blast early mites right off, a fan will also help make them strong and help keep...
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    Stabalize ph then add nutrients? or other way around?

    hey everyone, quick question I thought i was good adjusting the ph of my water then add my nutrients to the proper ppm, and water my girls in their soiless medium. Yesterday i did what i usually do adjust the ph to 6.2 then add my nutrients, then i decided to check the ph again this time, I was...