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  1. metalback

    ***hermies*** : Everything you need to know! Faqs

    I've always believed if you are going to knock someone, then provide why, and what is right. Otherwise keep it to yourself. He's trying, your just tearing down, not very helpful.
  2. metalback

    Welcome New Members!

    Personally, I wouldn't worry about co2. Make sure you have fans blowing on the plants. I'm using both bedroom closets myself and the same equipment. I'm doing great! I found little 4" fans at walmart. They are made completely metal, heavy, and $4. I have 4 that I can arrange for greater...
  3. metalback

    My official grow thread! With pics!

    I have a King Plus 800 watt for flowering, it's $160 and has been highly rated by several sites such as this one: . The plants flowering took off when I went to this lamp. I had an HSP and dumped it, too much heat. And a no name 300...
  4. metalback

    I have aphid eggs under fan leaves. How to treat?

    Order some lady bugs. They will devour them and never need chemicals.
  5. metalback

    Help with trimming in flower

    Thanks. I cropped her twice and i'm surprised how many colas have developed.
  6. metalback

    Help with trimming in flower

    Thanks, I've treated her like a princess. My first plant to flower, actually she is my first plant.
  7. metalback

    Help with trimming in flower

    Here is a top shot and a side shot
  8. metalback

    Help with trimming in flower

    I'm growing some Strawberry Kush. I'm 3 weeks into flower and I have 5-6 strong colas forming. Those little beginners on the inside of the bush seem will be a drain on the production of those colas. Am I thinking right? Should I remove those small secondary colas?
  9. metalback

    flowering in AN open room advice and info requested

    I just found that 1000 watt HPS runs at 9 amps. So, just one per 20 amp breaker
  10. metalback

    Welcome New Members!

    We are growing in similar fashion. I got this from : There is not much you can do to increase levels of CBD besides choosing a high-CBD strain CBD is often naturally found in higher amounts in low-THC varieties of cannabis such as hemp, and is also often found in higher...
  11. metalback

    Welcome New Members!

    I don't know, but its a beauty. I think, and hope she's a she!! She looks nice.
  12. metalback

    Need an explanation

    Dear God, I need a safe space now!!!
  13. metalback

    300 w Mars hydro

    You're partially right. The components from Japan, Malaysia, and Korea are far superior in general to China. Everything china builds for export is done as cheaply as possible. They really do not care if it works, if it lasts, or if it blows up in your face. In the 1990's china stole millions, if...
  14. metalback

    Concerns about Light time issues

    Thanks, being new I'm running on common sense and nothing else! I had thought about dropping to 10-14, not sure if it would have any effect. Thanks for the info, it really helps to hear from guys who aren't on their first grow!
  15. metalback

    Need an explanation

    T Thanks. I'm getting antsy to see some growth. At least I know what a new leaf looks like!! LOL
  16. metalback

    Need an explanation

    Of course this is my first grow. I check daily for the sex of my plants in flowering. I'm not experienced enough and hope someone will tell me if the picture is leaves, or female. Thanks
  17. metalback

    300 w Mars hydro

    For the cost, there is nothing wrong with these units. They work, they grow plants. The problem is the parts used are......chinese parts. They are unreliable, and the diode emitter degrades. Cheap parts can't be trusted. I'm using a chinese led. I plan for it to last 1 year, if I get more...
  18. metalback

    300 w Mars hydro

    I haven't any experience with Mars, those 300 wattage are all made by 2 chinese companies that I have found. The problem with them isn't the light (as long as the chinese are being honest) its the wattage. Plus, it must have zeners on each to keep it running should a cheap chinese diode fail...
  19. metalback

    Welcome New Members!

    Good weed is $300 an oz here. I'm disabled and grow my own instead of morphine. I grow in an apartment, both bedroom closets are green rooms. I have 12 plants growing in different stages. I grow in soil being a gardner. my main expense was lights. I've put out $350 for my lights, other...
  20. metalback

    Welcome New Members!

    Ak, glad to hear from you here. I've been gaining a great deal of knowledge here and really appreciate it. I'm growing 15 plants at this time. This is my first time growing. You'd laugh if you saw my grow rooms!! LOL My large bedroom closet is my nursery, where veg and seeds are growing. My...