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  1. Fibromyoucha

    Mold mildew id help please!

    Yea super high at night im in process of thrying to fix. I wonder if it could be a chemical coating on the mylar part of the tent the driping water if thats what is happening is picing up.. i wana try and wait 5 more days im gona schwazz agian.. or do u think i should schwazz early at day 16...
  2. Fibromyoucha

    Mold mildew id help please!

    I do not top feed at was on quite a few leaves its really only on that plant. In the morning when i open the tent i saw alot of droplets on that plant specifically so i dont knop if they can carey nutrients through rootz to the leaf? I have never had this happen but have never used a...
  3. Fibromyoucha

    Mold mildew id help please!

    Even im the microscopy?
  4. Fibromyoucha

    Is this a stamen in my bud or normal?

    I will try but there is nothing to real see its not in the shape of a stamen.. there are no hermies at all if u see the center of that pic were it look yellow it is it simply looks like the space between pistiols is yellow in some spots. I also have orange hairs already.. amd while Temps...
  5. Fibromyoucha

    Mold mildew id help please!

    So thanks for stoping into help. This is mold or mildew correct and ifso I usually schwazz on day 20 its almost lights of but should i schwazz tomarrow instead?
  6. Fibromyoucha

    Microscopy Identification please help

    Does any one know what this is please and thank u
  7. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Uea i will have to do it in morning tim thats when im wored about
  8. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    I now thin i have solved all light leaks in the room. Door has handle and i have super glued panda plastic to the window pain on a frame that attaches to the window at night. Any thoughts on this working.. i accidentally put the whit side pointing out. It is a removable window pain with...
  9. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    So the door leak is no longer i have put a handle on the door..
  10. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Heres a pic the clip fan is in the top back right were u see the power cords running.. See where th door is some times my cat pushs it open cause it doesnt have a handle so light would be coming in that door. And possible very slightly from behind were i took the picture however i have black...
  11. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Im thinking about just light proofing the room at night and leaving the tent open lol what u think of that? Also my 6 inch clip fan fiys perctly in top port.
  12. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Just set shoe box on top and put holes in back bottom of box rite
  13. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    But is it completly sealed at lights off
  14. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    I will be schwazzing in 5 days complete defol. Day 20 after flip
  15. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    I actually have a rotating tower fan. Im just not shure how to vent at when closed while preventing light leak
  16. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    A box fan and 2 clips is all im working with for now..
  17. Fibromyoucha

    Is this a stamen in my bud or normal?

    Hello and thank u all 4 the help. Just wondering if this is a stamen in my flower or normal bud Devlopment? The pff color in midlle is yellow?
  18. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    I run it open all day wit a box fan but it is. Sealed at night.
  19. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Some pics i will be schwazzing in 5 days Im 15 days into flower..theres budlest already
  20. Fibromyoucha

    Can i wait 5days to deal with this pm?

    Would clip fans in sode be enough i have 2. Or i could through a box fan in there.. or a dehumidifier.. im afraid of light leakes if i use a clip fan. In duct....