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  1. Slothman94

    tops not big enough for good yield?

    I did top in veg I just guess I should have done it earlier in veg.
  2. Slothman94

    tops not big enough for good yield?

    I'm worried that the 2 topps of my blueberry plant aren't big enough and will only produce tiny colas. I do have other bud sites but I was really depending on the 2 main tops. At the start of my 4th week of veg I told my mate who also grows that at the start of the 5th week im going to 12/12...
  3. Slothman94

    tops not big enough for good yield?

    I'm worried that the 2 topps of my blueberry plant aren't big enough and will only produce tiny colas. I do have other bud sites but I was really depending on the 2 main tops. At the start of my 4th week of veg I told my mate who also grows that at the start of the 5th week im going to 12/12...
  4. Slothman94

    male r female

    yup its a male.
  5. Slothman94

    i got my first male ):

    How are you sure. Could you take a closer photo? I cant see any male pre flowers.
  6. Slothman94

    what are these marks on my leaf?

    Oh and my hand is there to just raise the leaf. the yellowish leaf you can just about see under my hand was a past problem with magnesium def
  7. Slothman94

    what are these marks on my leaf?

    thanks for all the replies, I have no signs of pests what so ever and I wouldnt be surprised if a bit of nutes or ph down got on the leaf as its pretty low down. sort of feel bad for removing it now lol Poor leaf.
  8. Slothman94

    what are these marks on my leaf?

    I woke up this morning and checked on my plant to find one leaf had weird marks on them, i'm pretty sure it happened over night. Does anybody know what its from? I was wondering if I could just pinch it off but I was uncertain as its part of a bud site and I don't want to do anything that might...
  9. Slothman94

    what are these marks on my leaf?

    I woke up this morning and checked on my plant to find one leaf had weird marks on them, i'm pretty sure it happened over night. Does anybody know what its from? I was wondering if I could just pinch it off but I was uncertain as its part of a bud site and I don't want to do anything that might...
  10. Slothman94


    Some people leave a week or two out for 'pre flowers' so they can determine the sex, however, whether its male or female I personally go by the start of flowering as soon as I switch to 12/12
  11. Slothman94

    does this look female

    You have a beautiful baby girl
  12. Slothman94

    PINK HAIRS!?! can anyone name this strange strain i have found in my mids.

    shit man thats some groovy ass looking bud. you should deffo post some more photos when the buds start showing.
  13. Slothman94

    numerous problems with plant please help!

    the pot is 12"" across and 11.5"" in height. To be honest it could be the pH, sometimes I find it hard to maintain a good pH as the water and feed will always be changed to 6.5 with my pH up or down however within like 2 days it will make its way back up to 7 - 7.5. It was about 7 - 7.5 when...
  14. Slothman94

    numerous problems with plant please help!

    When I bought the tub it never said on the label any of the dimensions of it, I literally just had to guess what would be 'Big enough'
  15. Slothman94

    numerous problems with plant please help!

    Do you guys think then that it might be the pot?
  16. Slothman94

    numerous problems with plant please help!

    Some of the bottom leaves were completely yellow and dying so I removed them and a lot of the leaves all over the plant are starting to have this pale green, slight yellowish look to them also some leaves have yellow tips, there are also a lot of purple/red stems on my plant. I thought it was...
  17. Slothman94

    problem with leaves (Nitrogen deficiency?)

    yeah i checked the pH and somehow its gone just over 7, so I'm going to add a drop or two of ph down and see what happens over the next few days, I do have some epsom salts coming off amazon in the next 1 - 2 days as there is no store where I live that sells them. I'm hoping its the pH though
  18. Slothman94

    problem with leaves (Nitrogen deficiency?)

    Okay so I got up this morning and found these faint yellowish marks on some of the leaves, its weird how I swear it happened over night. I think it might be nitrogen deficiency, and won't be surprised if it is I just want to know what you guys think Here are some photos. I was going to circle...
  19. Slothman94

    When do you consider the start of vegging?

    Okay so my blueberry plant is now a week and 4 days old (From sprout). This isn't necessarily a question about my plant but more of a question in general I guess, which is, when do you consider the start of vegetation? This is my first grow so I'm not actually quite sure. Here's a pic of mine...
  20. Slothman94

    When should I start adding nutes to this plant?

    There's my blueberry plant. It's been a week and 3 days since it sprouted and I was just wondering when I should start adding nutes. I've got fox farm nutes and obviously I would start with quarter strength to be safe. I know just over a week is way to early to be adding nutes, but in general...