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  1. longbeachOG

    Leaves dieng during Vegetative?

    Im growing bagseed my plant has been vegging for about a month and a half, and the lower leaves that were the first in have died, and the second set that came in have died, none of the higher leaves are dieng but i was just wondering if this is normal?
  2. longbeachOG

    Pills On Plane Help

    cheeek the pills ! ( )( ) thee best hiding spot on the body
  3. longbeachOG

    How do i"break the ice" and smoke with my dad

    the way my dad started out with me was he told me he didnt care as long as i didnt lie to him about it, so if he caught me , id have to man up and say yea i was tokin if i was. The way we first smoked together, he didnt care that i smoked anymore and one day i was takin bong tees in the back of...
  4. longbeachOG

    First GROW Journal (:

    Kind of ahead myself but ive been waiting to start a journal on my bagseed grow (: the first picture is day 14, the second picture is day 17, and the third and fouth picture are day 20. Im using MG Organic soil, Growing under the sun for 8 hours a day, and under a 250w fluro for 10 hours a day...
  5. longbeachOG

    Can I still make good hash out of it?

    i woould probbably go for some killer edibles instead
  6. longbeachOG

    -Journal- 1st grow with cfl's and Bagseed!

    lol im a new grower so what i say doesnt matter but your plants look funny (:
  7. longbeachOG

    Quick Questions

    Yeah man Southern Cali
  8. longbeachOG

    Quick Questions

    thanks frmrboi ! it just hit got its eight hours of sun, i just put em under suuum fluros for the next eight !
  9. longbeachOG

    Quick Questions

    This is my first grow, at first i was just germinating seeds just to see what they would look like, but then i really got into it and have one baby really growing and its got me pulled in. I did have a few quick questions thought. 1. My babys a week 1/2 old, Hes being grown outdoors he gets...