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  1. M

    first grow 150 watts in the closet

    My two flowering plants are only 2 days ahead of yours in flower, only mine are in soil. I'll definitely keep an eye on your grow.
  2. M

    Looking for growers in the Tri-State Area Nj or ny Drop a line

    im in PA but thats all im gonna say (:
  3. M

    150w HPS Soil (Straberry Cough/Silver Haze/My own cross/Bagseed) 12/12 from seed

    lookin good, plants are coming along nicely
  4. M

    150w HPS Soil (Straberry Cough/Silver Haze/My own cross/Bagseed) 12/12 from seed

    Hey, i am also growing with a 150w hps, only with a remote ballast. your plants are lookin pretty good, keep it up. I am growing bagseed and 2 lowryderXak47, from what i was told.
  5. M

    new grower: plant problems

    Thanks a lot for the info guys...i wish i could buy the fox farm stuff cuz i hear its the best...but im on a tight there any way to get through this grow with the MG products i have? I also have schultz bloom plus this any better? btw since i cant post a pic
  6. M

    new grower: plant problems

    Yeah from what i've heard miracle grow isnt that great, the only thing that puzzles me is that i went for a month without adding nutes and the plant looked great and before i added anything the browning and drooping started...then when i did add nutes (very low dose) the plant stayed the same...
  7. M

    new grower: plant problems

    Hey everybody, this is my first grow and things were going well for a while until the leaves on my plant were starting to droop and the larger fan leaves started to get brown spots on them. Also the newer stems are very purple...not sure if good or bad. I am using miracle grow potting mix...