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  1. Dystopian

    The Attitude - Before Making Your Purchase

    hope you arent waiting for a letter from customs :)
  2. Dystopian

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Just remember America has had really shitty leaders for the last 20 yrs atleast. For the last thirty years the dollar has been worth more than the Canadian, dont celebrate too soon. And its a proven fact that we can grow better than anyone ever so there... take that.
  3. Dystopian

    The $30,800 BCNL Big Kahuna With Cheese

    Why dont you just do yourself a favor... go line by line and price each thing individually. First of all it will make you fucking sick so have a j ready. Secondly if you think this system is worth all that money and you can buy everything individually for cheaper, just complete their list from...
  4. Dystopian

    Hey any tips on resin Production...and potency... also sugar or carboload, theres a few others you can use.
  5. Dystopian

    Hey any tips on resin Production...and potency...

    Darkness 3 days prior to pull, UVB-LED, MH, Reptile lighting what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ those are the only 2 things i know of
  6. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    wtf No ones gonna call bullshit????? No google pics???????? come on team HID think of samething..... Nice work kro
  7. Dystopian

    6wk flower, leaves and stems turning red fast, should i be worried? '+PICS

    id wait till 7.5 to 8 wks if ure plant is 9weeker
  8. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    And so it continues... Thanks for proving my point there phxwhatever.
  9. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    I think most new growers hit a crossroads in lighting because there are so many choices. Thing is everything works and everything can work great if its done right. would you have to double the wattage of a HPS in CFL to get the same results, prolly but it can be done. are any of them perfect no...
  10. Dystopian

    Led Users Unite!

    THats pretty badass. Ive been looking for the last week now for some hi output (10-15w) LED bulbs @ 2700k just to pick up a little bit of the other spectrums that led growers miss out on. Im gonna use em as supp lighting in the corners of my tent. i got a new setup and i dont know if the flowers...
  11. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    Thats exactly my point in the "right up on em" theory. My mother is growing with a 90w about 6-8 in or so overhead. Shes doin fantastic so far. If you put the leds right up on them where they are basically touching then you get no coverage and it wouldnt matter what you used a 90w or 600w. it...
  12. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    All i want to know is if you do or have grown via LED? Secondly, it wouldnt make sense to have a light right up on a plant because there is no coverage. That being said why would i go out and buy a 300-600w if im going to have the same coverage as a 90w? Wouldnt make sense. And you are...
  13. Dystopian

    LED lights.

    You grow with LED there kermit? Depends on what LEDs ya got. And the abrasiveness doesnt make you seem smarter than nebody. Josh, If you wanna just do it easy and not worry bout anything, sure go HPS its time tested and most of all the work has been done for you as far as your research and...
  14. Dystopian

    Led Users Unite!

    I think it might be ok, its ok for all the LED lights i know of. Tho they probably get hotter than normal LED lights with fans. But why would you want to let it touch your plants? it cuts down on the area the LED can effectively light. also i dont suggest spraying them especially with that price...
  15. Dystopian

    6wk flower, leaves and stems turning red fast, should i be worried? '+PICS

    The red is genetics to be sure, but im fairly positive you need some N man. And need to trim those crispy leaves as well. I understand some of your leaves are gonna yellow but question is how many of those leaves you gonna have like 1,2,3 weeks from now? How your buds gonna grow is siz with no...
  16. Dystopian

    6wk flower, leaves and stems turning red fast, should i be worried? '+PICS

    when you feed em are they getting nitrogen since theyre flowerin? some of foods dont have Nitrogen in flower part and add to yellowing, alot of ppl have near dead plants at the end of flower due to lack of nitrogen might be worth checking
  17. Dystopian

    6wk flower, leaves and stems turning red fast, should i be worried? '+PICS

    Looks good man what strain is that? Oh and a lil N in flower is a good thing to be sure.
  18. Dystopian

    A tight squeeze! Light help!

    because your box is less than 2 ft. if you have non-autoflower you have to flower it immediately(from seed) or it will out grow that box. go to a garage sell or something and get a pair of only wooden box speakers or something. But if you do decide to grow in that id grow an auto flower in a...
  19. Dystopian

    The LED wont let me be!

    Maybe those smaller Kessils are the way to go... but dont think your gonna just write off fans and stuff, i should be getting a can fan in today cuz when i run 660w it gets 90 deg in there. when i flower ill be running 960w so itll be super hot. It is what it is. Viagro, no hard feelings man...
  20. Dystopian

    The LED wont let me be!

    Beau, it boils down to how much work you wanna put in if its not that much go with HID its time tested. It has its drawbacks but so does LED atm. It is way easier right now to get burnt on shitty leds that are being sold for prices ranging hi to low. I decided to go led and i have been very...