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  1. easylife

    First Grow Ever

    Yeah def move the light away from the plant slightly. it may start to burning the new growth and fuck the flowering up.
  2. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    no if u read below the pic it will explain.
  3. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Man this is a mission. I've just flushed them all once, used about 150 liters of water and the ph is still reading 7.5. I recon it's guna take another 2 flushes. So thats 450 liters of water!!!!!!! It's in an atic and i have to pump all the water into the tolet downstairs. Fuck man!!!! I'm not...
  4. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    nice one i'll give it a go. cheers bro
  5. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    This is the prob i'm having. its not of my plants, its a pic i found on the web. My camera phone has just broken. i have early stages of this. do u know wot it is? And wot is the best way to treat it?
  6. easylife

    Upper leafs yellowing

    Hi My lower Leafs seem fine but the new growth is yellowing and stunted. I've just flushed them with ph ajusted water. no nutes. Does anyone know wot this deficience is?
  7. easylife

    Slow Stunted New growth

    Come on bros any other ideas, i stumped on this one
  8. easylife

    Slow Stunted New growth

    The ph is coming out of the tap at 7.5. i haven't been changing it. I read a high ph is alright in pots? The temps have been varying. depending on the wheather, I have CO2 in there as well. But it has been going as low as 60 degrees and as high as 90. the lights are on 24 hours
  9. easylife

    Slow Stunted New growth

    Serisous Problems here!!!! Been vegging 40 white rhino for about 6 weeks, realized i had overwatered them at 4 weeks, as they were very droopy. Stopped watering until the pots were totaly dry. Now: The new growth is very slow if at all (6 weeks vegging and only 7-9 inches!!!) and very...
  10. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Hmm i don't know. Just had a look at them. i don't think it is the temp, I still think it's the watering problem. It's just take a long time 4 them to recover. ive got some others in the same room, a bit youger. No prob with them. Hopefully it will work out that i can put them all on 12 12 @ the...
  11. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    That might be it. the grow rooms up in a atic, it pritty cold here in uk at the mo. It's been goin as low as 60 degrees at night, If shocked from cold can they recover or stay stunted?
  12. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Ph is comin out of the tap at 7.5, haven't been changing it. i've read that high ph is alright for potted plants. Not sure about the roots, i'll have a look. maybe put some photos on tomorro.
  13. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Do u think it could be anything eles?
  14. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Using 4 600w sodium red lights and bio bizz oganic nutes
  15. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Hi I having serious problems, i've been vegging 40 plants for about 6 weeks. The growth is very slow and stunted, only about a couple of inches a week. Week 1: Started with 40 White Rhino cutting in small rockwool. Week 2: Potted them in 4 liter pots, the plants were 2-3 inches tall. Week 3...