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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hedron could do analytic only. Looking at the new info I found the following Training and experience and technical knowledge relating to what? Specifically cannabis? Great but thats pre-licencing, what about post licensing? Did you guys ever find anything specific thats a criteria for the qa...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    2,000 square feet. Yea there was some banter back and forth because they wanted to come out and look. I asked for a ballpark figure on 2000 square feet. I said Im still trying to see if its the route I want to go before buying the greenhouse.
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    Applying to Become a Licensed Producer Official!! MMPR
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    Canada Gazette Announcement: June 19 2013

    I found this interesting
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    Canada Gazette Announcement: June 19 2013

    For those waiting for health canada to officially publish this, here it is. It looks like the same info emailed to people that requested it earlier. Canada Gazette Part Ⅱ: Official Regulations Marihuana Exemption (Food and Drugs Act)...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Im going to use Dr.Hornby. As far as I understand you can outsource the testing. Dr.Hornby hasnt yet confirmed he is ready to go for the mmpr but he currently does...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Great that your on board. I really want to read everyones updates because then we are all learning at the same time. And yes I agree with you, I was shocked by how little health canada knows about anything. Calling them to ask a question usually just means they look at a computer screen and try...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I emailed security companies in my city. Here is my email and reply I got. Do you offer protection for greenhouses? This is the criteria I require: Glass-break sensors of sufficient number may be appropriately installed to provide 100% coverage of the glazing area. Electrically conductive...
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Will a greenhouse be allowed under the mmpr? (Odd answer was given to me. I sent in a question last week regarding pre-inspection. They answered that question again. And also replied to me newer email regarding a greenhouse.) So this is all I could find under the proposed changes regarding a...
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    "Before applying, does the proposed production site need to be equipped with all the grow equipment? Or can I apply with the empty building and then add my equipment once I am licensed?"
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    IMPACT STATEMENTS - Please send to the following address...

    schizophrenics react negative to high thc low cbd ratio. When that cbd level is closer to the thc % then its often helpful for them. CBD is anti psychotic. When Beaches Compassion says his doctor said switch strains, thats really good advice. And with the new rules that are imposed such as...
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    Yea and like canadian simon said, there is compliance with health standards when you own a restaurant too. Book keeping, staff, administration. Same concept here. Im with you guys.
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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Do you think it would be legal to have that middle entity in between the producer and the customer? It sounds like they intend us to sell direct. Is the coop like a middle man? How is it different from a dispensary. Im not too familiar with the coop setup. I know I see it with farms but I dont...
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    I think more people now have licenses.
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    Yea Im with you.
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    That table got misunderstood lots. People also thought it was saying the first year only 51 businesses will be issued a license. "Costs have been estimated using the Standard Cost Model" Your costs could be even higher or lower depending on your setup. Redi has a $250k budget for his. Mines...
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    IMPACT STATEMENTS - Please send to the following address...

    I agree with you redi. Sure as hell safer.
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    Thats why I email questions. Then I have proof of what they said.
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    I see what your saying. He talks like he got the info from the source. Do you think maybe going down the R&D path to legality is more costly perhaps? I dont know, either way bad info. Not cool.
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    MMPR - Medium Size Grow - GTA

    Third possibility is that he is good intentioned but has heard bad info from somewhere and is now spreading bad info but trying to be helpful.