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  1. M

    First time shroomin, advice plox

    when I did shrooms, 1 gram and just ate them. Nice trip lasted some hours. Enjoyed it. Have a good one!
  2. M

    hola all. anyone else here from san Jose,Ca

    welcome bro, down south of you on the central coast.
  3. M

    Where the Pink Buffalo roam

    best to you bro on this "experiment", hope it turns out successful. we used to say, feel like a mushroom, fed shit and left in the dark. Peace!
  4. M

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    thanks bro, I found this and seems like the best way not eating it raw. 6) freezing: The sections are placed in a freezer for several hours until thoroughly frozen. 7) grinding: The frozen sections are chopped up and ground, and the pulp filtered to collect the liquid. The pulp is ground...
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    Middle Aged Going Back

    lulz, when I tripped as a teen, I was with a friend tripping also, after work, driving around and doing shit at night, I'd prob. be able to get out and trip amongst people, allota' fun. haha! I don't game anymore but sit on the internet quite a bit. Self employed and plenty of time on my hands...
  6. M

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    thanks bro, repped ya, fawk, I'm in a situation, no kitchen or cooking shit available. I get by with a friend that owns a restaurant that I trade work for food. The most convenient way for me to do this would be to eat it raw, just peel and eat, but that seems like a dead end. I live on the...
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    Just dropped the fluff

    no shit brah!
  8. M

    Online Pharmacy?

    I've used a couple of online pharmas for what we call SERMs in the weight lifting world, but never saw in opiates. I would be wary of these type of offer imo. Best to you!
  9. M

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    thanks again bro, will check that link out. I'm a power lifter and weighed 215lbs but cutting and down to 200lbs. Would I need more in your opinion than 20" for an intense trip, 10-12 hours or more? On ebay didn't see much, one place was going by weight and figured 5lbs would be approx. couple...
  10. M

    Middle Aged Going Back

    yeah, it is interesting the different ways you can prepare it. I'm a lazy fawk and just like to drop a tab. But with some effort this seems worth it. I'm just not very good at preparing shit. I was reading you have to be careful in cutting and removing the cacti skin so as not to lose the mesc...
  11. M

    Middle Aged Going Back

    man, get ready for a new experience and go with it. First and only lsd trip was a tab called Purple Dragon in the 80's. I did shrooms a couple of times back then and lot's of pot. Best to you! thanks bro, another bro told me of his experience with making a tea. He got sick and threw up and...
  12. M

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    hey bro, started looking into the San Pedro as you suggested. Just a noob question. Does drying the cacti out do anything to the potency of the mesc. ? Will the mesc. store longer in a dried state? Thanks!
  13. M

    Middle Aged Going Back

    thanks bros, will have to check these festi's out. A bro of mine has dones some mesc. and told me he makes a tea as he tried to eat the cacti raw and could not finish it, only got half way through it. I like sid but open to trying mesc. Peace!
  14. M


    Thanks bros, been searching the internet and landed here. It is hard to get back with no contacts but doing some searching. Best to you all!
  15. M

    Oldgrowerdude Here. What I do?

    just signed up myself, welcome from a noob here, look forward to your knowledge.
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    Middle Aged Going Back

    thanks bros for the welcome and tips, will look into these. How does the san pedro and bregsii stack up to lsd for introspective tripping? edit: started looking into the san pedro, this looks interesting, can be up to 500ius of LSD for visuals. this seems to be the most convenient way to...
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    Middle Aged Going Back

    Hello All, I'm drawn to this forum as I yearn to trip like I did as a teen, around three decades ago. It's hard with no contacts but getting some shrooms lined up, taking longer than I wanted but have to be patient. Like to have another lsd trip but looks pretty bleak. Anyway, love reading...
  18. M

    should i do it

    yeah, shrooms are awesome, you'll love it. As a teen my friend and I took some shrooms. He sat in his car and I in mine. All of a sudden he started moving up and down and back and forth in his seat. I was like WTF?! But I think he was messing with me as I remembered he had an electric seat. On...
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    First time LSD help!!!!!

    reminds me when I was a teen and loved to experiment with new drugs. I first tripped on lsd out of HS and at my job just about time to get off work. What a great trip and I was driving my friend that was tripping with me. On the way home by myself late at night, listening to Led Zepplin, the...
  20. M


    Just wanted to say hi! to the forum. Been out of the scene for quite awhile and just getting back in.