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  1. 4

    when should i harvest?

    might i add that they also smell like pine trees mixed with a skunk
  2. 4

    when should i harvest?

    i have a cold frame already out in the garden. its a decent size green house wrapped in poly. the sides are clear poly and the roof is a tinted poly. the strain im not a 100% on i dont know much about the plant. all i know is its a hash plant clone that i got 4 months ago and its been in the...
  3. 4

    different drying techniques

    i guess im gonna have to seal off a room as best as i can to dry them in there
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    different drying techniques

    any other suggestions? what if i where to put a heater in the camper? would that decrease the humidity
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    different drying techniques

    lately the humidity has been hanging around 60 - 90%
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    different drying techniques

    i dont dry inside cuz i dont really want to stink up the whole house. if i have someone come over who doesnt agree with weed and smells it throughout the house i rather not have to listen to them bitch about it all so i rather play it safe and dry outside rather than in my house
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    different drying techniques

    i would dry it in my place but i rather not stink out the whole house. but i do have an old camper out back in the bush
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    different drying techniques

    i live in a pretty secluded area from everyone my closest neighbour is a 15 mind drive away
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    different drying techniques

    where i live i dont have to worry about people trying to steal my bud or the pigs coming around here. no one dares to walk around in the mountains here at night with all the bear, coyotes, cougars, wolves and shit like that roaming the mountains
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    different drying techniques

    how well would drying outside in the open work? like hanging your buds on a clothes line? what are the chances of getting mold when hanging outside on a clothes line?
  11. 4

    when should i harvest?

    im hoping to have a couple weeks left on them before i harvest. the first pic is the further along out of the 4 plants i have and the second pic is the least furthest
  12. 4

    when should i harvest?

    when should i harvest? been having cold temps here no higher than 15C and not a whole lot of sun either most cloudy or raining where i am. i have about maybe 2 - 3 weeks of decent warm temps ranging from 8 - 17 C than after that it will be no higher than 5C after a couple weeks and freezing
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    different drying techniques

    so cooler temps dont matter a whole lot. which is good since ill be drying outside in an old camper so it will be cold in there but dark
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    different drying techniques

    would cooler temperatures effect the drying process
  15. 4

    protect plants from cold nights

    my temporary coverage for 3 of the 4 plants waiting till the rain stops for a day so i can make it better
  16. 4

    Attached pics not showing

    ive been having this problem for 2 days now
  17. 4

    different drying techniques

    all great ideas thanks everyone
  18. 4

    protect plants from cold nights

    that would be awesome if you could
  19. 4

    protect plants from cold nights

    i wasnt even born than lol would putting my plants between a couple big boulders help against frost
  20. 4

    protect plants from cold nights

    ive got lots of horse manure. i should give that a try never really thought of using clippings and horse manure to produce heat. right now i use nothing but horse manure to grow my plants