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  1. D

    Better light

    I'm the guy who had his light stolen. The missing heatsink was a different guy. My experience with HLG itself has been great. They were ready to ship me a new one in 48hrs, 24 of those were for HLG to file a claim. (Insurance I'm guessing)
  2. D

    Better light

    I don't know if you read my earlier posts, but my light was stolen/never delivered to my house. Had to resolve that lol. I've asked them a few questions about their QB96 kits, too. And also when they are getting certain items back in stock, like the UV bar attachment. They couldn't give me an...
  3. D

    Better light

    I forget if I mentioned to look at dormgrows G8 series. They include everything you're looking for like UV and IR boosters. Won actual awards. Don't have any experience with them but youtube growers will not shut up about them in comparison grow vids. Maybe check em out. HLG does sell a UV bar...
  4. D

    Better light

    What are your Weird. Every single one of my emails was answered within 10 minutes no joke, except for on a Sunday when I sent an email at 8PM they didn't respond until the next morning. I'd be angry if that happened to me, though. That's a totally reasonable grudge. I wonder how common your...
  5. D

    Better light

    Heatsinks will definitely increase their life and slow the decrease in efficiency. Have you ever measured the back of the board to see exactly how hot it gets? Just curious, not trying to give ya any criticism. Yeah I have more light than I can use at the moment myself. I couldn't resist trying...
  6. D

    Better light

    And what is up with the attitude? You seem like you're a very angry and judgemental person who jumps at any chance to ridicule... Smoke a joint and chill TF out, bro. The negativity is completely unwarranted and unwanted.
  7. D

    Better light

    You're running the boards even without the aluminum heatsinks? As in the kits that come strictly with the board I didn't, there was someone home. I requested specific instructions for them to knock/ring doorbell and not to leave package unnattended the first time. UPS didn't follow them. Nor...
  8. D

    Better light

    Lol I'm male. I get that all the time because of the a at the end. I didn't tell anyone what was coming, but even though I'm in a nice neighborhood, we get a lot of foot traffic bc it's near a main street. People park on my street then walk the half block to the main street, they work at a...
  9. D

    Better light

    Yes, I decided to get it. I'm going to wait bc they're out of stock and I wont need it for about 6-8 weeks anyways. I'm definitely getting it, though.
  10. D

    Better light

    Their pricing is pretty standard, actually. Especially with the QB96'S. As I explained my 4 light setup was cheaper than any 600+ watt equivalent I could find including Kingbrite and Mejui. He pointed me at those first BTW. Plus some people do actually care about warranties and customer...
  11. D

    Better light

    No, I didn't. I was wondering myself what happened. The thread served its purpose, i learned everything I needed. Weird though.
  12. D

    Better light

    For the OP, NukaCola helped me pick out my LEDs, and I researched the shit out of his recommendations- he knows his stuff. I bought an HLG 600R spec, for my main tent (after discounts it's 716$ USD- way out of your range), but I also grabbed the 4 QB96 Elite V2s and 2 HLG-320-54-A drivers...
  13. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    Yeah I'm probably gonna go that route. I can only find UFO supplements and I'd need like 4 of them, 1 for each corner pretty much- too complicated compared the the HLG. It will be super easy to place compared to another bar. I'd have to place a different one beside my QB and only half the tent...
  14. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    Actually the HLG 600 Rspec is on sale. It's about 720 out the door. That's 70$ more, but I am getting an extra 120 watts over yours... So nearly the same except I traded off some the UV spectrum for more power. Pros and cons to both.
  15. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    One more question for y'all...Is supplement UV worth it? I know I don't have to even consider it until halfway through flower, but the research says it increases potency. The 600 RSpec doesn't have UV, but they do sell a supplement bar that can actually bolt on to the 600 (or at least the 550...
  16. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    I appreciate it, but if you read the thread I've already bought my lights. I'm not going to lie, I like that those have controllable UV.
  17. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    Sounds like I'm going to need to invest in a light meter to dial in these lights perfectly.( I know I know, I should already have one) It's not like the 600 RSpec where every light is the same running the same driver, so they can give you height and strength recommendations. I'm in no rush...
  18. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    Okay, first hand info. Thanks. What is your driver setup? I'm already committed on the 2 HLG-320-54-A... My grow space does have quite a bit of headroom and heat won't be an issue, not until summer, at least- even then I have ways to pump AC directly into the tent and at the lights. Portable AC...
  19. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    And I was planning on building 2 rails with aluminum. That I have covered I'm confident for that part. If I get lazy I found a good way to hang em individually, too and I have spare hangers.
  20. D

    Which LED for my 4x4?

    Hah if I didn't grab 4 of the QBs, Timber was my 2nd option for a DIY. I really dig the pinned heatsink designs for some reason. I went with the QBs bc they were on sale, they have a fuller spectrum, and I didn't have to research lens angles. I think it was Optic that had some interesting DIY...