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  1. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed is growing very slowly

    the seed shell is already removed, I don't know why the leaves are stiking together
  2. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed is growing very slowly

    So, after following your advice I think I successfully managed to save my little plant. Now the only problem is that it is growing very slowly. The GIF shows 5 days’ worth of growing (the black parts are the 3 hours of "night") and it hasn’t even opened its leaves. It is growing in coco and I...
  3. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed keeps dying

    I followed some of your suggestions and now it seems to be growing again, maybe you saved it. Thanks to all of you :)
  4. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed keeps dying

    Thank you all for the help, I appreciate it :D
  5. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed keeps dying

    I planted my first two seeds in dirt, and they both died, so I decided to try something else
  6. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed keeps dying

    for now it's all provisional, but the lamp is a 12W LED lamp and I put it about 15 centimeters from the plant
  7. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed keeps dying

    At this point I already killed 3 marijuana plants; they are CBD plants. I already asked on this forum what I am doing wrong, and they told me that there wasn’t enough light and that I watered the plants too much. Now I bought a growing light and I also bought a plant water spray so that I don’t...
  8. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed doesn’t grow

    thanks for the help
  9. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed doesn’t grow

    I have no light for now. I grow it inside but they have sunlight during the day. The image was taken 10 days after I started with the seeds and now I think that it’s dead because it bent and now it hangs down.
  10. My-Private-Stuff

    My weed doesn’t grow

    I bought some CBD weed seeds (because THC is illegal in my country) and I followed guides that I found on some pages and videos on YouTube. I put them in a moist cloth to let them germinate, after two days they had germinated, and I put them in soil. One of them grew up a few centimetres, but...
  11. My-Private-Stuff

    I get high very quickly

    (This is the first time I'm posting on this site, I have no idea if I'm doing it right) I recently started smoking weed for the first time in my life. Now I am smoking once every evening since about two months. The first thing I have noticed is that when I smoke too much, I get anxious, a lot...