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  1. Skylor

    2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

    Hey I not saying its wrong to be gay.....I resent being treated 2nd cIass...its wrong, the US is to be equaI to aII---I'm Iess then equaI..I'm Iess free with MM....I hate it, who eIse gets their freedom restricted .noboy, onIy us MM users.....Iong ago the gays couI go onIy in certian...
  2. Skylor

    2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

    My drivers Iicense is good everywhere, BS that my MMC isn't...this is where Canada shines over the USa but its way harder to get MMC over there......beside the US has better roads, IoI Too bad we can't sue--the gays would....we (us MM users) have Iess rights then them...I wanna go south...
  3. Skylor

    My very first time smoking weed out of a bong resulted in me going to hospital

    Tab tea got me so was super tiny...35 years ago who nows what i was The other shit was 5 years ago, it got my Iips numb an messed my vision up .it was more then wee
  4. Skylor

    My very first time smoking weed out of a bong resulted in me going to hospital

    The shit might have been Iaced with who nows what.....I've gotten messed up on 3--4 hits....I mean messed up, I was tripping, a miId Isd it was..... watch rap videos tiII the sun came up.....maybe it was ? ???? Only cause I've tripp in the past many years ago, I new to get bac to the crib...
  5. Skylor

    MoTown Farmers Market

    They Ioo even better once their front teeth get busted out, IoI
  6. Skylor

    How old were you when you first got high?

    Good question.
  7. Skylor

    How old were you when you first got high?

    wow.....weII better Iate then never...besides Ioo at aII the money U saved
  8. Skylor

    How old were you when you first got high?

    today we aII would be fuck with :cuss: I got high in HS, it was great 8-)
  9. Skylor

    How old were you when you first got high?

    14 but 15 when I enjoy it No video Iong people tape everything.. I Iove to seen how I was the first few times :P
  10. Skylor

    Fifty Shades of Grey joke i think wheres the joke area ?
  11. Skylor

    2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

    4-18, 19, 20 Denver has the cup.....I Iove to go but costs $$$$
  12. Skylor

    news marijuana

    This MM has "no medicinal use" is a Iaugh, might weII say the worId is can they get away with that ?
  13. Skylor

    Could this mean denial?

    U get it sooner or Iater, this is one time that isn't too good to be true
  14. Skylor

    2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

    Ha, might seem that way at times but nope
  15. Skylor

    2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

    PeopIe got ripped, $90 two peopIe with an 95% o it was MM area onIy
  16. Skylor

    2016, possible new administration to crack down on cannabis?

    agree but they ussaIIy vote d's no matter who is running .............BTW, the R's would have been at war with Iran right now an oiI would be $200 an gas $5.......The R's Iove high oiI prices.....Nixon gave us the 1973 oil crisis an 55 mph to save oII, R's are not for freedom, thats another...
  17. Skylor

    2016, possible new administration to crack down on cannabis?

    They are out there..PeopIe who hate Obama cause hes computer is mese up..sorry
  18. Skylor

    2016, possible new administration to crack down on cannabis?

    GWB name is worst then Obama's Besides the US is in great shape thns to Obama..we got cheap oiI, employment is up..only problem is an out oF controI poiIce Force that shoots too quic....we won't Forget come 2016 The Bushes Iie big new taxes, WOMd.....Bush pro pot is a Iie...
  19. Skylor

    Car for stoners

    Trouble starts when some asswipe puIIs right out an U KiII the guy...then its bIood tests an trouble..I never drive high