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  1. M

    Stinky murky white water only when added nutrients

    I get a stinky foot or old mop smell by the second day in my diy dwc bucket . This is her 9th day she looks healthy in my eyes this is my first time doing dwc I get a ppm meter this friday I am using flora series as well as ph down with tap water i got a bottle of ice to keep the temperature...
  2. M

    Stinky, Cloudy Reservoir water...

    No I'm geting some h202 today and how do I go abouts doing that if you can help me that would be greatly appreciated
  3. M

    Cloudy water question

    Did you ever figure put the problem I'm having the same thing but I just got one baby and it's my first time doing dwc seems like every second day with nutrition it gets murky white and its like I see salts as well as a stinky foot or mop smell
  4. M

    Stinky, Cloudy Reservoir water...

    Bra I'm having the same issue but I'm using the general hydroponic 3 part system have you ever figured out the issue please help
  5. M

    Just wanted to get some opinions

    Some more pics as I dont think I can post videos
  6. M

    Just wanted to get some opinions

    Hey all I'm new to the whole growing thing, but I love all the science and all the work that people have put towards this growing this plant ....I got a white widow seed from growerschoice seed bank . This is 8 days about to be lights off for 6 hours day number nine ... I gave nutrition the...