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  1. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Max yield keep the higher numbers. Want a gram plus per watt perpetual garden keep the plant number atleast 2 per SQ foot. I get better yields if I go with 4 per SQ foot and remove a lot of leaves/lower brances by week 3 of bloom when stretch stops. I can still get tad over 1 gram per watt with...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    amen brother a fvcking men.. I agree 100%. No one will listen to a guy like this in these types of threads because of how he comes across. Right or wrong. He continually DOESNT get his point across because he acts like a 5 year old having a tantrum. :wall:
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    I forgot to add, I guess it being like pure water is why many people have burned the crap out of their plants by using a little too much or not moving their lights up. The manufacturer even suggests this. Must be Placebo though ... lol .. As for your precious OVERPRICED Bonzi with the PGR...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Look Unclue Ben, the shit works whatever they have in it just like Bushmaster works. I'll agree that they probably leave out some of their ingredients most like some type of hormone. Gravity does not offer barely noticable changes but rather VERY nticable change if applied correctly. I have used...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    FYI Gravity works EXACTLY as advertised and a little goes a long ways. I know plenty of advanced garderners who have had the same distinct results. Worth every penny. Have never seen any other product come close to making buds as dense and heavy as Gravity does period......
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Yeah kind of like how you spent $110 on a liter of hormones recently that can be made for pennies on the dollar and I even showed you how. Same exact hormone. Guess you are just as dumb as the rest of the sheep eh Benny boy ? BTW, I and RIU will not tolerate the bullshit unclue ben, leave now.
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Says the pot to the kettle lol
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    This regarding outdoors. So to all your noobs you dont need to use over a 5 gal pot and dime to grow great weed this year :-P :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Classic Unclue Ben, this guy really knows his shit fellas.
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Facepalm at Unclue Ben Gravity doesnt hurt your quality one bit only makes the buds much denser/rock hard. Done many side by side comparisons and the results are very clear that it does exactly what it says. Bushmaster stops the vertical in its tracks within a day after its application. I...
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    I had my doubts on whether they really changed anything or not too. I had heard people talking about using a tankless water heater instead. Props looks very good and I'll keep this in mind of I go this route. Would save a little over $100. Actually I think they require some special adpator to...
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    Defoliation - When and how?

    And Unclue Ben bows out for the second time while tossing in "noobs, butcher,Herd mentality, I know what makes a plant tick , and I really dont care what you do to your garden" ..... Very gracious as expected and dont kid yourself you care very much how everyone else grows. We will continue...
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    BTW great looking grow ! What strain is that and did you use CO2 in it prior to this new setup ? What kind of increase are you seeing with the CO2 ?
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    What tankless water heater did you get ? What size is the grow room? I know you said you had to turn one of the burners off so it seems to be bigger then you actually need for your room size.
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    That is what I remember hearing as well. Cant imagine it would be at any kind of dangerous level but still...
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    New technique, Dog Cropped

    I had Rat cropping once. They got the plants right at the base though. Kept losing plants one by one and couldnt figure it out until I lost about 10 out of 30 plants ..... little bastards !
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    I thought there might be some kind of issue with a hot water heater and that the guys selling the CO2 do something to make them cleaner ....
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    Good going ! I was very close to buying one of those water cooled units for around $300. The problem I have with Co2 is my room would get too hot without an AC I think. My room gets up to 80 right now without air cooled hoods running and I have good air going in and out. I know you can run...
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    Defoliation - When and how?

    Yes exactly that, what an amazing guess lol bitter old egotistical arrogant men are not a pretty sight
  19. D

    Pulling 4oz off 1 plant ?

    I used to get 3 to 3.5 OZ off plants I had in soil 2 gal buckets vegged to one foot. Ended up aroun 30 inches tall. Now I do higher numbers smaller yield per plant in hydro . If you are in hydro you wont need over a one gal container, veg to about a foot and let them grow.
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    Top 10 Songs for Plants and Gardens to Thrive On. Music is Proven to help plants Grow

    Just when you thought you had heard it all lol.... IF vibrations help the plant grow then just stick a fan on your plants or have a motor under your table that vibrates it. Music wont vibrate the plants at all unless very loud and or has certain tempo.