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  1. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Make sure you have plenty of air, you might be a little heavy on the castings. Personally, I don't put mine in a bag. I like to let it flow freely, and then I strain out at the end if need be. Lots of ways to skin a cat, that just how I do it. ;) P-
  2. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

    Pretty unimpressive... P-
  3. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

    You sure you don't want to rescind that answer? Any meals will attract good and bad pests? So neem meal attracts bad pests? You must be one shitty organic grower cause you sure don't know a damn thing about growing organically. P-
  4. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    You sir are a complete and utter moron. You obviously don't have any outdoor compost piles or you would know better. P-
  5. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

    So you are saying having crab meal and neem meal in a soil grow does not deter pests? P-
  6. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    So yellow dying leaves is a good thing on a plant? Guess people who buy absurd amounts of soil have a different idea of healthy plants. And you don't use LED's, but you're trolling this thread on the subject of LED's? Posting up a bunch of copy/paste bs. You'd think a master grower like yourself...
  7. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    And this is where you miss the boat. Bad idea. Bacon grease in your compost pile = animals in your compost pile. It ain't rocket science... P-
  8. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

    I have to agree with this. The price of synthetic hydro crap is dropping like a rock. You can't hardly give it away here. P-
  9. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

    Were you dropped on your head as a child? Just curious as usual... P-
  10. Pattahabi

    Necrotic leaves.

    May I ask what is in your mix? P-
  11. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Nice copy and paste btw... P-
  12. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    You sound butt hurt. Didn't even answer my question. Is that an organic grow? Or are you just trolling cause someone bashed your favorite LED brand? Not if the plants looked healthy. Those poor things look abused. P-
  13. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I'll start off by saying I'm an HID user, always have been. With that said, your tone is ridiculous, your plants look like hell, and this is the organic section. I'd be embarrassed to post a pict with yellow crusty leaves like that. Is that even an organic grow? I think scotch has a perfectly...
  14. Pattahabi

    Fermented coconut water

    You can tell the plants just love it. I will use SST's on everything forever. Absolute must have imo. Amazingly enough, I haven't tried barely yet. I've been using a fair amount of buckwheat. Corn is a pita to sprout imo. I love alfalfa seed sst's. Make sure you cut way back on the amount of...
  15. Pattahabi

    Fermented coconut water

    I love SST's! What are your favorite things to sprout? That is very interesting about removing the roots on the malted grains. A lot of people have switched from fresh to the malted. However, I am not able to achieve the same results with the malted. I do get results, just not as pronounced. I...
  16. Pattahabi

    Fermented coconut water

    Yeah, I could totally be wrong as well. Still trying to read up on it, but with spring here I'm having trouble finding the time. :) SST's will surely supply you with what you need in regards to enzymes et al. For what it is worth this is a few reasons why I shy away from coconut water. Fresh...
  17. Pattahabi

    Fermented coconut water

    Ahh... ok, you sounded a bit like her, just curious. ;) I have not heard of oxygen denaturing enzymes, but that doesn't mean it ain't so. From what I have read pH, temperature, and solvents can denature proteins (enzymes). In some situations (again I haven't had time to dig for details)...
  18. Pattahabi


    Did someone say Fox Farm? :spew: Go directly to this link, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Ok so I'm teasing a little, but for real, if you want to learn more about organic growing, save yourself some cash...
  19. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Fresh aloe, puree approximately one ounce of the gel (I've been pureeing skin and all) per gallon of water. Spray immediately on the tops and bottoms of the leaves. If you're not too over watered, you might even mist the top of the topsoil a little. Aloe I have used excessively and I have not...
  20. Pattahabi

    Fermented coconut water

    Some of this is above my paygrade, but I've been asking about the denaturing of enzymes in a fermentation process. If you had more info on this I would love to hear it. Abiqua and I were talking about it in This Thread. I would think you would also lose out on the PGR's and PGH's when...