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  1. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    well I think with that statement we can finally debunk you thoroughly this is household gun ownership stats since 1973. we have gone as high as 51% of american households owning guns, in 1977, to as low as 32% of american...
  2. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    I know its fake. I made them. this one just perfectly sums up your position though: you value a rapists life over a womans right to defend herself from rape lol
  3. coloradolivin

    Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

    yep, but because theres no central point to the bitcoin network, the statists cant subpoena the "CEO of bitcoin" anymore than they could sue the "president of the internet". now if they can control and shut down every possible transmission of packets (a true "internet killswitch") we would be...
  4. coloradolivin

    Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

    good for me, horrible for others
  5. coloradolivin

    Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

    well I put my money in bitcoin in 2010, so you can imagine how I feel
  6. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    what a strange post. guns still stop rapes
  7. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    how many do you think
  8. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    attack the source and not the argument eh? guns prevent rape
  9. coloradolivin

    Welcome New Members!

    well I built it myself from transformers and diodes laying around. I guess I could build you one too and start a business. the only other company I know of that sells these chips in their lights are california lightworks, but they charge way too much
  10. coloradolivin

    NRA to women: you are responsible for not getting raped

    troll thread. guns prevent rape
  11. coloradolivin

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    a lot of sites accept bitcoin now, thats how I did it with barneys
  12. coloradolivin

    Welcome New Members!

    yes a similar hps setup would pull 12-15 amps, these combined pull maybe 3-5. and the heat is so low they can be very close to the plants, but not too close as it will bleach the chlorophyll. I can't say I prefer one or the other as this is my very first grow, but building the led was much...
  13. coloradolivin

    Welcome New Members!

    not the usual ufo array gizmo things. these chips need a cpu heatsink for how tightly spaced the array is. custom built the single chipper on the right is a full spectrum with ultraviolet, the left is a two chipper, one "cool" one "warm". the big plant is the sin tra bajo, the basket is two...
  14. coloradolivin

    Welcome New Members!

    hello this is barneysfarm sin tra bajo
  15. coloradolivin

    I am Colorado Livin!

    I am Colorado Livin!