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  1. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    look at the image name. thats an imgur address, not a 4chan address. thus it was a troll. crazy night though huh
  2. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    CNN? YouGov? Washington Post?! When even these sources are saying trump won the third debate you KNOW he crushed it!
  3. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    I love how the DNC leaks from JULY prove the whole groping narrative is made up! And now they arrested two AMERICANS for the hack, not russians! LOL
  4. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    All my friends, the bernie bros, the gary-ites, and the few hillshills left, all switched to TRUMP after this one
  5. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  6. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Clinton News Network has been outed very hard tonight.
  7. coloradolivin

    but you didn't read them?

    but you didn't read them?
  8. coloradolivin

    have you never heard of wikileaks?

    have you never heard of wikileaks?
  9. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  10. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    new hampshire. or colorado, new mexico, which are right next to utah
  11. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    This election cycle used to be really fun. But a real life Weekend At Bernie's is just messed up. Hope hilldawg feels better soon:-?
  12. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    WOW. anyone know off the top of their head which is the largest voting bloc? Because I am pretty sure its independents!
  13. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Tied in Michigan? This year just keeps getting crazier!
  14. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    POWERFUL LEAK: HUMA DOES NOT HAVE CLEARANCE why was this email deleted?
  15. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    LOL even 11 year olds can see through the medias false equivalences
  16. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    perspective in photojournalism is the darnedest thing!
  17. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    HOLEE COCA COAL-EE! This is hillarys "go-to girl" no longer speaking! this is nuts!
  18. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    these DNC leaks are absolutely incredible. She can't make a single tweet without someone finding the phony strategy her focus group is trying to pull
  19. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    RV means registered voter, LV means likely voter anyone else notice that trump is winning all the LV polls since the 28th?