Search results

  1. pinkjackyle

    How far back can you positively trace your ancestry?

    my great aunt did my mothers grandfather or my great grandfathers side, took about 35yrs , back to the yr 1000. seems that side is from french aristocracy .
  2. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

    missionary nicola tesla or albert einstein
  3. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

    malaria or bull head clap
  4. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

    restroom floor
  5. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

    broken ribs or broken leg ?
  6. pinkjackyle

    God smote another politician

    i think the dude was set up . i watched a docu on it a couple yrs ago i think and the whole thing seemed fishy because the court wouldnt allow certain evidence in that seemed to exonerate the guy . but who really knows.
  7. pinkjackyle

    Your Dream Car Update

    Central Order Production Office COPO Nova .
  8. pinkjackyle

    How Often Do You Shower..?

    no no no im a hand puppet , get it right . only time i remember trouble having a bm was while i was still drinking and got gastritious (sp) didnt go for a week . my bm's smell like roses some sink some swim .anyone ever had a turd where one end was one color and the other differant ? i...
  9. pinkjackyle

    How Often Do You Shower..?

    that is true , and i didnt quite make it plain . if 1 goes a week without bathing id think the ass would need more than tp & a wet wipe . as for bm habits , every morn after 1st cup of coffee , like clock work , then off to the shower .
  10. pinkjackyle

    How Often Do You Shower..?

    not washing ones ass on a regular basis is plain nasty . i mean , after a good shit your ass needs a scrub down . toilet paper can only do so much , b4 long i would think soap & hot water would be welcome . i bathe every day , sometimes 2 or 3 times depending on how nasty werk is that day .
  11. pinkjackyle

    How do you feel about your relationship with Mary Jane?

    sweating is the key ,im not trying to be silly but its true . feeling like u dont wanna get out of bed is natural on occasion and feeling lazy too . i get up and get moving get busy, there is always somethin that needs to be done . its not so much motovation for me, its knowing that sitting on...
  12. pinkjackyle

    What do you love/hate about this forum?

    i was predisposed in your selection of the mentioned , altho a keen selection, its more worthy of a medical publication
  13. pinkjackyle

    who else is looking forward to "Better Call Saul"?

    a word on words offers multiple whimsical weltansichts that i enjoy .
  14. pinkjackyle

    What do you love/hate about this forum?

    on second thought maybe i should have just been happy with GaGnon :spew:
  15. pinkjackyle

    What do you love/hate about this forum?

    can i get some boobies with that ?
  16. pinkjackyle

    No, no, no, another thing to worry about.

    damn , that dude has his fuel turned up , blowing coal .
  17. pinkjackyle

    What do you love/hate about this forum?

    hate that theres no adverts , its the bling that gets more members. members get discounts when theres advertisers .i need some glass and would like a % off , cause im a tight bastard . why are there no adverts ? are we so uncouth that they dont want to be seen on here ? is it because of the...
  18. pinkjackyle

    Who's got the jug?

    who has the bcs national championship trophy ? SUCK IT BIG 10 .
  19. pinkjackyle

    Is there anybody else on here who works overnight ? I need advice

    i werked in williston n .dakota in the oil fields ,1500 miles from home ,for almost 14 months 14hrs a day 7days a week sleeping in a 12x 20 - 2 room trailer . you will make it just fine , just cowboy the fk up :joint:
  20. pinkjackyle

    How do you feel about your relationship with Mary Jane?

    . I still have issues with my place in society. i use to drink the hell out of sour mash wiskey and go to jail , sour mash go to jail , sour mash go to jail , sour mash go to jail . i went to jail while being in jail LoL , got hold of some jailhouse hooch in jail started a fight . got...