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  1. Chiceh

    Rollitup Live Chat Rules and Guidelines

    It should be fixed now, try it. :D
  2. Chiceh

    Silk Road..

    Definitely check the seller's rep and feedback comments. :D
  3. Chiceh

    Banned wagon

    There is no way I could get through winter without one. :D
  4. Chiceh

    They were all deleted some how. Heya. 8)

    They were all deleted some how. Heya. 8)
  5. Chiceh

    Banned wagon

    Would a snow blower help?
  6. Chiceh

    Best Fails for 2012 Thread

    Looks like he landed on a roof or something. Funny stuff. :D
  7. Chiceh

    Best Fails for 2012 Thread

    Hahaha gotta luv the fails.....Here is another one that made me laugh. :D
  8. Chiceh

    ebb and flow feeding question

    Fact...use a timer to ensure a proper feeding schedule. You need to be aware of how much and when they are being fed. How hard is it to use a timer?
  9. Chiceh

    my babies got too cold

    That is when the generators come in LOL. :D
  10. Chiceh

    my babies got too cold

    Try to keep constant temps as best as you can. It will get cooler during the lights out period. This time of year I have to add a heater in there for lights out because it dips too low. If need be add a heater for now until the room warms up.
  11. Chiceh

    my babies got too cold

    Heat up the room.
  12. Chiceh

    Do you still watch animated movies?

    I still watch animated movies. Most are made with adult humour in them. I saw this one recently and was cool, all the old school video game characters are in it LOL. :D
  13. Chiceh

    Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead..

    This thread is out of order.....closed. If you have to ask why you are part of the reason.
  14. Chiceh

    Why do forum mods ban so easily?

    Maybe if you had some respect when sharing your opinions you might still be an active member there. There are rules here as well, if you follow them there is no need for a ban. :D
  15. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or what ever you all say at this time of year.....Have a HIGH one! I am starting my holidays early with this wicked wake n bake. bongsmilie :weed:
  16. Chiceh

    My house is getting to smelly!

    You will still smell it, well maybe not you yourself but it will have an odour. You need a carbon filter in my opinion with a decent sized fan pulling the smelly air out. :D