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  1. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    I named my dog Otis Johnson. He is black, and before I got him fixed his penis was huge to his body size. I know some dudes that had cocks smaller than my wiener dog.
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    If you could choose what would the religion of USA be?

    Actually I've recanted my racism.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I preface this statement with the statement that I don't know everything about everything. Now, the statement. China is not a free state. I doubt we know exactly how much co2 they produce. I doubt they let people in there to monitor, I doubt they keep accurate accounts of how much they...
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    Last time one of the knock doors for god groups came by, I answered the door, looked at them, and before they had a chance to say anything I said, while pulling my pants down, "ok guys, I'll do it this time, but make it quick I have to be at work in one hour. " They looked at each other and...
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    Fair point, I was rude. It wasn't like I was cutting up my turkey. I think I took a bite of my roll and mashed potatoes. Then my girlfriend poked me in the leg. So I waited a minute or two for the old folks. Then we did the hokey thankful bit. Then I left the table because there were a...
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    With the defeat of Eric Cantor, the Republicans have lost an entire generation of Latinos.

    They got to have someone deliver the guns to the cartels.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    One of my professors was infamous for telling a student that she was too stupid to be a lawyer. He did so privately, but she made it public and we all agreed.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    As a spin off of that, you have no idea how many parents are glad you're not their son in law.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    I'm sure I killed a few brain cells. And here lately I've thought about going back. But in school I was one of the best on the moot court team. And also repeatedly scored high in the research and writing class. I think I would make an awesome lawyer. So did my professors.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Public was the wrong word, not accurate in all senses. Quit being so literal. By public I meant a place not the domicile of either of the men being recorded.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Dude, I'm telling you, in the state of Tennessee you can record audio at will in public places. Now, I'm perfectly willing to accept that other states with nearly identical laws have courts that say no. But the supreme court of Tennessee says go for it.
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    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    No, but her recording device is. and if it is catching a conversation in the room, oh well.
  13. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Dude, what pyramid scheme? I started working for subway, the franchise owned other businesses. He thought I might be more useful there. I did borrow some money from my parents. The guys business was related to my dads. I provided some capital to get some things done, and part ownership was...
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    The problem with christians isn't biblical or anything about the religion. In fact, if they followed biblical teachings, it wouldn't be a problem. I try to be a light for others. What I mean by that is lead by example, not criticism or pressure. If the comment I'll give the glory to God. And...
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    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    You mean after I got out of rehab and didn't have a job, after I spent every penny I and those around me had on drugs? Yes they did then. But that was a year ago almost bucky.
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    Imagine going to thanksgiving dinner for the first time with your girlfriends family. It came time to fix your plate. I did and started eating before some of the slower members of her family got seated. When grandma and grandpa got seated everyone went around the table saying what we were...
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    so you want to go back to racism and bigotry?
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    Eric Cantor... ousted

    No college would hire a guy who wasn't liberal. He is a mole.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    The real, and only reason is that water vapor comes from surface water evaporation. Co 2 comes from man made sources, much more than water vapor does. They get funding because they have hYped co2
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    With the defeat of Eric Cantor, the Republicans have lost an entire generation of Latinos.

    Cantor also went to an anti tea party event. I read that was trumpeted by the Brat campaign. Sleeping with the enemy. And bam. I don't like this Brat guy. Saw an interview with him last night on Hanity, and he pretty much thinks God chose him to go to Congress.