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  1. Master_Tabi

    Transplanting mid flower

    Simple as the title, is transplanting mid flower something i should be doing or not?
  2. Master_Tabi

    Stretch issue!!??

    show us :weed:
  3. Master_Tabi

    When to start bumping up phosphorous levels in feeding schedule?

    Defoliation read up on it and you can remove bud cites that are not as prominent I'm not an expert but that's what came to mind
  4. Master_Tabi

    When to start bumping up phosphorous levels in feeding schedule?

    Dude just want to say your babes gave me chills the good kind. Nice plants!
  5. Master_Tabi

    Anyone have annual plants?

    Right so lets say i cut her down totally, remove part of the root system replant in new container. Wont she grow a new?
  6. Master_Tabi

    Anyone have annual plants?

    Just wondering if anyone here has been harvesting the same plant for multiple harvests. 2 year plus is what im interested in. How does it work, does it work? Any info in the right direction I'd like to read up on the subject however there is little to be found or im asking the wrong questions...
  7. Master_Tabi

    Can someone get rid of the bot generated posts??

    RIght, i look to the sky everyday haha
  8. Master_Tabi

    Babies turning light green

    I stand corrected
  9. Master_Tabi

    has my plant hermied

    Anytime, just out of curiosity what caused the plant to get hermi?
  10. Master_Tabi

    has my plant hermied

    Hermi bud isnt very good nor tasty. Ususally buds will not be dense and there'll be tons of seeds. I'd say your first step is to figure out why she went that way, then takes steps to prevent. Finally start over. Your efforts will be wasted into trying to get product that is less superior than...
  11. Master_Tabi

    Babies turning light green

    Good looking plant, nothing like human urine to boots N and other important microbs. Piss in a bottle add to water 20-30% piss rest water add to you plants.
  12. Master_Tabi

    Fertilizer free, mouth watering from A to Z

    Defiantly interested in what all of you have to say, regardless of who is right or wrong.
  13. Master_Tabi

    Help what’s wrong with my plant

    Looking good there buddy
  14. Master_Tabi

    Help LST training Autoflower

    Wait till you've got something to play with, right now the girls are young and fragile. Just my opinion.
  15. Master_Tabi

    What to do when it rains?

    That I would not like to get hit with.
  16. Master_Tabi

    Banana tee - very low pH

    It works for me I use it on my garden as well, anything that's blooming tomatoes cucumbers beets radish. Mind you all those like acid.
  17. Master_Tabi

    6week flowering bunch of piks tell me what u think

    That's where I'd like to be right now.
  18. Master_Tabi

    Help what’s wrong with my plant

    Not sure wait for someone who's more experienced to help you on that.
  19. Master_Tabi

    Help what’s wrong with my plant

    What did you end up doing?