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  1. D

    seal totes

    I used..5/16 in. x 17 ft. All Climate Auto and Marine D-Profile Weatherstrip. and when you cut it cut it at a different angle on each side so they slide together a flat seal will leak also tape it to the tote not the lid, lil harder to do but worth it.
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    Spider Mites kicking my ass

    have you tried throwing your plants in a bag for 48 hours? I read a lot of places that putting your plant in a big trash bag for 48 hours. oxygen gets sucked in to plant and bugs die. also I have had great success with using habanero pepper or any other supper hot pepper put in a blender with...
  3. D

    pool ph down.

    ty sir
  4. D

    pool ph down.

    can I use pool ph down? there isn't many grow stores with in 100 miles of me so was wondering if pool PH down would work says only chemicals in it are.. sodium hydrogensulphate at 93% sodium sulphate at 7%
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    just complaining

    I spray distilled water about 5 times a day on it by hand with spray bottle. and I use some aquarium substrate I had laying around from a previous project that the cakes lay on.
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    just complaining

    imo the fruiting chamber was to large and humidity was not what it should have been. I have this 2nd grow in a chamber 1/2 the size and am getting spawns every day. but now my new issue is algae in my substrate I should have boiled my sub between grows and didn't. hoping this grow finishes b4 it...
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    just complaining

    yeah I was only using 3 lil 1lb cakes, my chamber was to large the top of the cakes keep drying out. using a 100 watt LED bulb I stripped down. first round only had 4 shrooms spawn on 3 cakes. I have 20 lil shrooms coming up on this second round with just one cake, was 2 but just got algae on...
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    shroom and algae

    nvm I just threw it away finally found a site that said it's the worst enemy of shrooms.
  9. D

    shroom and algae

    got a bit of algae on mycelium cake. there isn't much that came up when I did a search is this ok or bad
  10. D

    just complaining

    well I got my shroom grow going pretty well screwed up first batch only got like 3g 2nd is going well a lot more shrooms just needed more humidity. I have been going "can't wait crazy" then I realize I have 2 kids... ok find some one to pawn them on..... check my wife is sick as...
  11. D

    deleting account and quitting tripping

    i def think you should break your vegan law and get a pet ... it can live a nice life with you and make you a happier better person . it also save's that dog/cat from a needle. My dog died 3 years ago and to this day I get tears in my eyes thinking about her she saved my epileptic ass many times...
  12. D

    leave wife and pay car bills or pay house bills and tell her to take her ass to work....and here...

    leave wife and pay car bills or pay house bills and tell her to take her ass to work....and here I wanted to take shrooms today....
  13. D

    deleting account and quitting tripping

    BBQ quit the shrooms for a bit but keep your knowledge here for us!
  14. D

    Can persimilis predatory mites finish the job?

    buy the hottest damn pepper you can find grind it in with about 2 cups of water and spray your plants. wont hurt plants AT ALL no matter how much you use. all insects hate it. onion works just not aswell.
  15. D

    out door shrooms

    I have a spot under some hanging plants that the ground under them i use for a soil and veggie compost no meat. always have 3 or 4 mushroom growing in the area. I had a jar that refused to do a full spawn guess not enough water. I throw the cultivated half tucked half way in compost in a very...
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    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    lol just lol
  17. D

    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    10 bucks a g... around here if some one charges you more it's normally a race issue.
  18. D

    What Are You Listening To?

    made my morning !
  19. D

    black/blue on growth

  20. D

    black/blue on growth

    what's going on ?