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  1. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    How do I make a tea also please zedd
  2. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thanks everyone. Where can I source the canna and silicone. Ive got em in coco john innes and worm cast but ill pot those 2 up into just coco and do other 4 just cocoa. Other question 6 plants 600w 1.2 tent. Hit 3 ea on a 5-7 week veg? Gonna fim em at about a foot? 4th nodeish.. second go so...
  3. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ive gOt a few of those gifted from a pal.
  4. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Someone gimme some basic feeding ideas please from start to flower.. using cocoa worm castings and john innes. And this mychrozial shizznizz. Thanks novice when it comes to feeding stuff.
  5. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    S Against thread rules? FTM.
  6. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Dont wanna let it go but anyone want this pendant recycler rig brand new unused orange crush uv glass which is a brand new colour. And slyme uv. Lands to me in 2 weeks Matching dome this is a next level rig.
  7. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    What some people class as trim some class as absolute shit ie big fans stalk etc.
  8. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Couldnt honestly say bro varies so much depends how trichrome covered clean and dry your material the age of it etc I just ran 4z got 2.5g mate was mostly top of the bag of what was running soshould be better yields as hit the bottom more dusty shit I couldnt give you a honest awnser but with...
  9. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    A pack of fpog f4s too
  10. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Beanboys got a sale on atm guys. Gscxbubblechem 12 beans. Gsc x scooby snacks 12 beans. Lionsbreath x godbud x something I juat forgot and im on mobile load of feltpots $200 anyone wanna go halfs..
  11. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    That the lemony candy one.. Im not a fan of rare dankness genetics but fire is fire.
  12. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah man thats exactly what I wanna hear. In my honest opinion psychosis and exo are all hype good for some of you guys cause you know em but cheese is cheese is cheese is cheese and so on.. that lemon. Love it fine tuning it I expect great things. Il be happy to take cuts of the three il be...
  13. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    And id be humbled by a review geez.
  14. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    E="zeddd, post: 11158785, member: 722065"]sounds good pal, looking forward to trying it, only thing ive found stronger than good green is 70 um bubble so looking forward to trying your extracts man will review if ya like? Youll love it mate il send you only spare nail I have. But I chucked in...
  15. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Beiours.. dirty bitches? A woman..
  16. Dubaholic

    Trying the Dry Sift Wizards way of doing things.

    Fireee. Il be trying out this method soon in talks with the wizard and will be repping his screens in uk tell him haste sent you and he will hook you up!!
  17. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Second pic is wank lol but thats straight see through.
  18. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ill snap some pics of the bho run ive been working on. Ran 4.5z to test the material result super stable not weighed the slab yet but smells of a lemon cheese combo supreme. True shatter never went above 75 terp profiles gonna be loud. loool been in the vac for 58 hours total damn vac is loud...
  19. Dubaholic

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Shappening geezers.