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  1. Early

    Question for the older crowd

    Everyones family has its own problems. Dosent matter if you are rich or poor. He is probably focusing on you so he can forget his own. If you are blowing your money on weed that should be for paying bills, then I would say that you have a problem. If not you dont. I have a cousin that has a...
  2. Early

    Hook me up Roseman! Ohio_Grown!

    Dr Chronic. Stealth w/breederpacks option. Use a credit card. I always order on a Wed. night. Seeds are always in my mailbox the following Tuesday. If you are a member of you get a 10% discount for using a CC.
  3. Early

    Looking for Some BoMb Herb

    Call 1-800-LICK-THE-LEFT-ONE.
  4. Early


    Yeah, not having the chance of getting mugged or shot is boring to me. That is what makes Philly and NYC so exciting, to me at least. You have to be on your game. And know what you are dealing with. Unfortunately that is what Big City USA is all about. Philly is a hot girl that wants it. Now...
  5. Early


    Moving to Canada to grow weed is like being Catholic and renouncing your faith so you can masterbate without guilt. In the long run it dosent make any sense. The taxes in Canada are rediculous. Beer is not cheap eiether. Niether is anything else. On the other hand Canada is like looking at the...
  6. Early


    You can order Absinthe over the internet. The best stuff comes from the Czech Republic. It has a picture of Van Gogh with his ear cut off on it. (can't remember the name) Lots of tujone in it. The best way to describe it is like being stoned on good Black Afghani hash. A real slow body type...
  7. Early

    Anyone Robo-baked?

    Always called it ROBO-trippin.
  8. Early

    Saving Private Ryan ( The movie )

    Its better watching it with surround sound. You hear the bullets whiz past your head and hit something behind you. The first time I saw it I sat on the edge of the couch for 3 hours. One of the best war movies ever. I really didnt have a good concept of what war was until i saw this movie.
  9. Early

    alien like noises

    I dont have to wait for NASA to release those sounds. My tin-foil hat picks them up all the time.
  10. Early

    Dr. Chronic Seed Bank

    The Doc is an outstanding human being. You need to do your part if you are sending a money order. If you live in the US, it has to be a International Money Order. Not one you get from the Circle-K, or 7-11, and it has to have the appropriate postage on it to get it to the UK. The best place to...
  11. Early

    Tracking Devices...Anyone got any knowledge?

    OnStar by our friends at General Motors is a tracking device. How do you think they can unlock Tiger Woods Buick in the middle of Bumfuck, Alabama. Rfid's let manufacturers and shippers know how much product they have in a warehouse without having to pay someone to inventory each piece. This...
  12. Early

    Hunting and Fishing

    I would rather shoot deer myself than hit them with my car. I had an aunt that would give me shit for hunting. I said "Don't give me lip just because you dont have the guts to kill all the chicken and beef you eat yourself.(She is 5'5 and 380#) Just because you pay someone else to kill your...
  13. Early

    Who is expecting christmas bud?

    I give out samplers to friends for Christmas. Usually a couple grams of all the strains grown over the last year. Wrapped up in neat little packages. I look forward to giving them out as much as everyone looks forward to getting them.
  14. Early

    My THAI grow-op

    Every time I see Grow-op thread I think 100+ plants and someone that has to hire people to trim. Anyway, hope the Op goes well.
  15. Early

    DUI ! - please help !

    I hate to trivialize you situation but DUI's are a part of life. I could count at least 50 people that I know that have them. Start asking questions. I'm sure you know at least 1 person that has at least 1 let alone multiples. They are not cheap or convienent, but they do happen on a regular...
  16. Early

    Runaway Dealers...

    Pretty much everyone has been ripped off at least once in their life. It sucks. Once you get the chance to grow your own you will never look back. Nothing better than knowing you are smoking weed that would cost someone 400$ oz, but cost you 12$. P.S. It all costs the same if you get busted the...
  17. Early

    spider in my grow

    Spiders are your friend. They will put a hurt on spider mites. Look at it this way, the spider wouldnt be there if there were nothing for it to eat. They are beneficial insects.
  18. Early

    grow light help!! where the hell do u get them!!!

    High Tech Garden Supply
  19. Early

    Jock Horror review!

    Jock is the MAD NOTE! Same as Kali Mist, Super Silver Haze, and Jack Herer. Different combos but the same. Skunk x Haze X NL. In different combinations. You can't go wrong with this combo. When you here people speak of the best weed ever. Usually these three names come up, more often than...
  20. Early

    so whats up with vagina?

    Georgia O'Keeffe. I have a few of her paintings.