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  1. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Economics and civil rights are born from the same egg and only relatives of human rights. Civil rights were born of the necessity for equal access to commerce related issues. Even voting had to be settled as a commerce related civil right, not a human right.
  2. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    I don't support Monsanto/Bayer, and I don't have a problem with anything you want to do with "health care", just don't call it a human right when its a civil right, and also don't disparage my human right to choose self care.
  3. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    How is that How so? Are you saying you could constitutionally outlaw self defense? You would need to burn the Declaration first.
  4. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    If humans were naturally endowed with the right to commercial medicine then it would be free. No matter how you regulate guns, for example, even if you wiped out the 2nd amendment and banned all guns, this would not change your self evident right to defend yourself against harm.
  5. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    No, the point of a self evident naturally endowed human right is that it "supersedes other forms of governing limitations", or in other words comes before and is protected from disparagement. Civil rights are regulated by "governing limitations".
  6. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Civil rights are only a "reflection" of human rights in so far as they try to assure equal rights and access to the commercial constructs of society. The fact remains that you are naturally endowed with certain rights.
  7. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    All things are related of course, but no civil rights are not the same as human rights. You have a human right to trade things, but you have a civil right to trade things within the commercial markets etc
  8. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Of course this is a separate question and the answer to which we seem to agree.
  9. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Laws can be changed, the Constitution can even be amended, but you can't change the Declaration that informs the Constitution and you can't create a human right. You can create a civil right.
  10. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Wow, where am I lol First off your quote is from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. Second thing is that the Constitutions does not "grant" rights, it protects rights on the basis that they are self evident. I would go on, but if you knew better the Declaration of...
  11. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Who said there was anything wrong with a civil right to health care? The point is that access to goods and services or "health care" is classified in law as a civil right on the basis of equal protection. A human right is that which is self evident/naturally endowed, and can be thought of as...
  12. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    So far I can still only respond as I already have. I would add though that in observation of the responses here so far it would seem that this kind of lack of critical thinking is the same void that corporate legalization came from to shove down our throats rather than fighting for human rights...
  13. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    How is that relevant to the fundamental difference between a civil right and a human right?
  14. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Access to health care (edit) insurance can also be considered a civil right based on equal protection, but not a human right.
  15. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Commercial health care can be a civil right, but not a human right. Civil rights generally emerge from the dynamic of equal protection to take part in the commercial world. Human rights are those that are self evident and naturally endowed. In other words, short of hurting someone else in your...
  16. DNAprotection

    Help write a law to fix a broken time for cannabis and humans...

    (continued from op) Section 3.(c) With respect to any litigation that might arise within the jurisdictional reach of this Act, in regards to Section 1., and protecting home gardeners and naturally occurring seeds and plants from irreparable genetic modifications from genetically engineered DNA...
  17. DNAprotection

    Help write a law to fix a broken time for cannabis and humans...

    Still in draft stage, can you help make this proposed law better? ‘The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration And Natural Seed & Plant DNA Protection Act’ An Act to restore and protect the natural Human Right to grow and use natural seeds and plants for the basic necessities of life...
  18. DNAprotection

    The Case For Regular Seeds

    Thanks for the perspective, we need more folks thinking this way. Been honoring males and producing seeds for years and am hard pressed to find others I am as satisfied with. Unfortunately though it seems an even bigger threat to cannabis gene diversity right now is genetic engineering from big...
  19. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Can hardly describe how it felt to write those words after all my life being taught America was the land of the free and is the country that stands up for freedom the world over. What made it even more unbelievable was that I was apparently the first person to ever write and file such words in...
  20. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    That time of year again for sure, can't wait till next fall! Hey if you found the Schmieser case interesting you might also find this case of interest, for me it was about learning better how to go back and do it again if I can muster the 1 brain cell I got left to do so before I stop taking in...