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  1. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    If you want serious, then act like it. As far as "natural law" goes, these are just words used to help describe that which, for the most part is beyond our understanding. What can be understood, are the consequences of "natural law". A good example is from Rob Roy (as usual, and clearly not a...
  2. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Baiting for idiots, it's just a way to keep a thread getting views lol...and it always works at RIU politics...thanks all!
  3. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Here on earth there is some kind of physical force at play that keeps things moving towards the ground. Out in space there is some kind of physical force at play that keeps the things humans call planets spinning in orbit around great balls of fuel. Then that whole ball of wax continues to spin...
  4. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    No not "name calling", just using meaningless words to label things in effort to better communicate. Definition of idiot 1 : a foolish or stupid person 2 dated, now offensive : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
  5. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    "Gravity doesn't exist", and the world is flat. Ok idiot, I don't care wtf words you use, the fact remains that there are prevailing realities of nature that exist with or without human constructs. You are clearly so obsessed with your lack of understanding that maybe it's just that words don't...
  6. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    You are clearly obsessed with words to the point that they no longer have meaning. Even an idiot knows you can drop a heavy thing onto your foot, the result will likely be painful. Aside from the obvious rules of biology concerning the resulting pain, the "law" of gravity, as most humans call...
  7. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    The root point here is that there are reasons for all behavior, cause and effect is always at play, to think otherwise would be the "Naive" point of view. Not to mention that obviously terms like "natural law" etc, are just labels we as humans assign to things in effort to communicate.
  8. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Yes even killer whales will toss a seal in "play" before eating or maybe not eating, but your observations are so completely surface that it makes me wonder? There are reasons for all behavior, cause and effect. That "play" as described is far more than "play", it is practice. Things must learn...
  9. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Even "wild animals" recognize and respect natural rights (if you will). Predators will kill to eat (= natural right), but if not hungry, the same critter will be perfectly peaceful in letting normally prey animals drink at the water hole (also natural right). We simply just have it born into us...
  10. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    If a law disparages a self evident naturally endowed human right, its not only stupid, it will be detrimental.
  11. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Words to live by, at least I have.
  12. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    If more folks did the right thing instead of following the rules, we would be in a different and much better place.
  13. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Shit, that should have been the last line in the piece.
  14. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    The world according to Rumsfeld, aka Rumsfeld's law: "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we...
  15. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Read full more detailed version of this piece here: Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life. Short (extremely edited) version: In February, 2016, the...
  16. DNAprotection

    Missing GMcannabis Regulations Cultivates into Bio-Threat to National Security

    (continued from op) While this apparent breech in US bio-security is seemingly overlooked, billions of dollars are being spent into the long chain of "legal" cannabis related commerce in the United States. Medical and recreational consumers, the industry and it's workers, even stock market...
  17. DNAprotection

    Missing GMcannabis Regulations Cultivates into Bio-Threat to National Security The other reason the feds are moving fast on "legalization": Are you the kind of person who takes it seriously when a Director of National Intelligence reports (in his February, 2016...
  18. DNAprotection

    Trump Strikes deal

    There's always more to the story behind the headlines:
  19. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Glad you liked it, although such does not reflect in the "liked by" section? Here maybe lets try again. Take water for example, access to water can be considered a self evident human right. I live by a lake, and by my human right I should be able to freely access the lake water unless and until...
  20. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    "Once rights are satisfied then monetary concerns can be discussed" No, first gov invents a "civil right" based on some class of people's claim of inequity from being discriminated against within commercial codes and statues. Then as exampled in gov health care, first you disclose every aspect...