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  1. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Testing Zero Water filter. Seeing if the filtered water helps the plants. Still dechlorinating (water sits out for 1-2days before watering).
  2. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow HLG 135^^^^ HLG 225^^^^
  3. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Ok thanks. I'll try that out!
  4. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    I think I may filter and PH my tapwater. Completely restarted my grow. Still using same soil/perlite mix. And same lighting schedule. 3 or 4 purple sponge. 4 Grape pupil Any help would be great. Please be positive. I have cut way back on my watering. But some of them look over watered. The...
  5. Flowtrail55

    subs supersoil

    I'll try repotting this week. Thanks for the tips.
  6. Flowtrail55

    subs supersoil

    I'm watering about 2 times a week. Soil has amendments and nutrients in it already. Its fully organic and has lots of good stuff in it from what I read. The seedling is about 2 weeks old. The larger plant is probably 5 weeks. Maybe more? The growth was slowed from a serious over watering...
  7. Flowtrail55

    subs supersoil

    Has anyone used Malibu soil? I'm using Malibu soil, Bu's blend. Organic potting soil. The guy at the hydroponics store recommended it. I was looking for Michigan mix M3 or SoHum super soil. No such luck First grow for me. Seems like my plants aren't growing quite as fast at they should...
  8. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Grape Pupil V2 is looking happy!!
  9. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Some pics from this morning just after lights on. The purple sponge is still recovering from a small overwatering/ transplant. The top 25% is looking much happier than previous. The chick magnet is very slowy popping up some small new leaves. Gave here a few drops of water last night...
  10. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Thanks!!! I may give that a shot. Seems like the Mass Medical genetics don't like to be watered much. This could help.
  11. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Whats a SIP? Sorry still a newbie.
  12. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Man I am not good at watering. Transplanted the purple sponge. Larger pot. It didn't like the damp/wet new soil. Got more clawing. (Multiple facepalms) I did figure out that it was a little rootbound In the small pot. Hopefully after she dries out a bit she will be able to spread her roots...
  13. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Scored some Grape Pupil seeds from Neptune Seed Bank. (Star pupil x Pu-Tang) The freebie seeds were Deadly Swabi!!!:D:cool: MMS Deadly Sativa (Amnesia Haze x Prayer Tower) crossed with Swabi Pakistani!!!! Super stoked about both of these beautiful girls. All feminized.
  14. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    She's looking good after a slight over watering. Day 2 after the watering and those leaves are starting to pray upwards. Chick magnet seedling is looking good as well. Bottom 2 pics. Tent Temps have been very high. Pushing 90 to 91. But the girls are loving it!!
  15. Flowtrail55

    First Grow

    Definitely following this thread. Some great info.
  16. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Thanks man! They look pretty bushy! I'm also worried about height. I have a 4ft tent. And the light is probably at 3 is feet. I'll be training as much as I can. I'm going to try not to top. But I'll see how she goes.
  17. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Awesome! Thanks. So far they seem to really like the light!! The added heat is a bonus. I guess the pupil genetics love the heat. Tent was about 90 yesterday when I got home.
  18. Flowtrail55

    Soil and water only Grow

    Here she is! After some training. Today's training. This girl is growing fast. What I have noticed is, she will turn upright after the whole day. Nearly growing to vertical again! From 6:30 am to about 6 pm you can clearly see the difference.
  19. Flowtrail55

    Mass Medical Strains

    Let us know how they turn out!!! Should be great!
  20. Flowtrail55

    Mass Medical Strains

    Nope. Running an organic soil with just water. Its my first grow. She seems like she really kicked up a notch over the past 2 days. I have another thread in the organics section documenting the grow.