seal it up real good in two bags then put it into another bag with coffe grounds then seal it up good again then hotglue gun it to bottom of your boxers my cousin brings about ten gramms on flight all the time one time he flew with some in his suitcase and didnt know it
How long would the longest time you could cure some nug because Ive herd of people curing for months to years in foodsaver jars i was just wonder if that was an absolutely necessary factor to making as potent product as possible
when you get a fat sack of frosty nuggs grind all of it up in your grinder throw it in a container with a large marble shake it around allowing the marble to collect kief when marble is codded scrape with a razor then squeeze in between your fingers and you got sum dank hand hash
it's been really hot in my grow and im about to do what i was hoping i wouldnt have to do i have my lights set up soo when my room-mates get home i dont want them to stare at the lights but it's soo hot i think i should flip the lights so they turn on at like six o'clock at night
im trying to construct a low budget ac unit out of a cooler some vent fans and gallo jugs frozen constant;y being replaced herd of anything like that working
i had a brand new clone and my cousin told me he put a capful of superthrive organic fertillizer in the soil cause i told him i wasnt fertilizing cause it was a very disappointing clone from the clinnic an inch tall i kid you not stalk like a toothpick but anyways he took it upon himself to kick...
so who has had a stealth grow that can answer some questions like whats the biggest light i can stuff into one of those bitches and how much nug i can really yield in it cause it seems like it would take some serious pruning to keep it in there
no drilled holes but i do have a fan pointed at the doorknob hole im not sure what fans would be cheap and suitable for ventaltion i also have a twelve inch fan just skrewed to the wall is there a trick to where i should place my holes im kinda in a wierd shaped closet it has a high cieling...
id get a thermometer right in the base of your plant see what temp it is right in the bush to make sure i had that problem and i moved my hps up about a foot and my plant started growing like double as fast and lowered the temp by the plant dramatically