serapis in your case i would sell my own shit that way its only a huge profit. my friends that sell are like that too telling me when my plant gets done they will give me x amount im like i dont even care if we know the same people if you wanna buy my shit we are all at why am i gonna...
yea out here in AZ prices are sky high because of the flood of brick weed the good thing is there is hella profit to be made i got alot of people i know and i can sell to just about anyone with out a problem
good luck on that nicole we have one thing in common is we both cant sex great lol but thx for the advice guys i should be getting more lights and mylar friday
ok i have to go to sleep but yea if you look back i gave those measurements fab if you could just leave them here ill check them either tomarrow morning or night again THX ALL OF YOU FOR THE REP AND HELP good night
ok well when i get paid this friday im gonna go out and get me some good stuff i just switch the lighting to all night because it was getting wayyy to hot in my grow room so now things should start picking up with the mylar and extra lights do you guys know how many extra lights i should get or...
yea they hella stretched when i put them under the light atfirst i was hella noob and didnt know CFL's had to be so close they went from like 4 in to a foot at first i thought it was good until i actually read up on it lol
btw i was using sun light to grow them up until flowering i have a very tight budget but i think i can squeeze out a couple of more dollars for that mylar and some more lights
wow thx actually those are mylar balloons from the dollar store that i taped up on the wall lol and i do need tons more lights i have 6 2, 40w warm floresents 3 26 w cfl and the 43w cfl i only got that many because my first grow i only had 2 plants that turned out to be male so i didnt really...
good grow man im using CFLs and i was like, i hope i get some good buds this give me some hope im not using nearly as many as you though. looks like your set i wish you a good harvest
yea i got some pics up on my page of my plants check them out i just uploaded them yesterday i cant take any more pics till tomarrow. i just supercropped my lil babies and ill show you the progress on them and my 4 females i have pics up now