wats goin on guys? gonna get the blotters in a couple weeks cause my guy is getting better stuff :). but i took about ~1mg of doc 10 minutes ago. anyway im gonna go see the new harry potter soon! anyone else? first time with doc, so im pretty stoked!
not only that, but why would you advertise an untrusted vendor to people who possibly dont know about scams and would have no problem sending him money for nothing in return...
ive never put anything up my arse. but i agree with hadd, that i see it no different than snorting something. its just away of administering a drug ffs. nothing gay about it. is it gay when a doctor sticks a thermometer up your ass or w/e he might need to? lol
ya i had one get to a little over 6' last season and got 9 or 10 O's off it. not sure on strain. surprising i know! but it was a hybrid, thinkin indica dom. was from a friend... just ran out of it last week too. was SOOO smooth. i could drain .7g bowls easy.
gonna be a close one guys. ate my last tabs on the 4th!! but im pickin up some more this friday. gonna be close!! i might have to play catch-up friday night!
ya man! ive had some pretty cRaZY mushroom trips with it by my side lol. idk ive read that with lsd the vitamin c doesnt really intensify the trip, only makes it smoother so i havnt tried that yet... dont quote me though.
i always just give em a quick bite or two then wash em down with some emergen-C! still doesnt avoid picking dried mushroom from your teeth for 30 min though..
subway is a treat on drugs. you dont know what your missing if your not getting oil and vinegar on it, literally made me not hate subway lol. Was longboarding there on monday only to find out they closed 10 minutes ago... why is it that only shit food is available late night... had to settle for...
my friend and me dropped some tabs and cruised on our longboards until we found this family putting on a literal show lol. thousands of dollars worth of fireworks. I think the ones that dont shoot in the air are so much cooler. I think they focus way cooler designs and patterns then just the big...