wow man that sucks !
i wouldnt buy Shit from anyone person or company on ebay - id research and find a reputable company- yeah it may be more but in the long run it'd be worth it !
WOW really? lol
sounded like bullshit to me...........
anyone who preaches down to me and attempts to force their beliefs (as the only beliefs acceptable to them) on me or anyone as far as im concerned can FUCK OFF ! it's that simple
well im done eating at the shitholes ... what a bunch of retards... fuck em ALL !
lol what? you have no clue who i am..
are you that slow?...............
by the way you seem to be defending - sounds like you are one or the other or maybe both...
so many confused people here its funny.....
lol more like from people who care about their life, who are smart enough to use protection because they know if not they will be miserable and possibly die before their time
but then again most young uneducated people would not understand a simple concept such as that
you had an IDIOT for a teacher
no condoms do not protect 100% , nothing can except abstinence ...
for the most part they are very effective in preventing the transmission of the HIV virus
if you fuck with out a rubber and contract the hiv virus - your a fucking idiot !, and thats what you...
romney is not releasing tax documents because he's ( in a way ) smart - not playing the dem's games...
you idiots are reaching for whatever you can to try and stay afloat.....
keep reaching Obama , you are going down in November !
yeah to vote is choosing between the lesser of the evils...