Haha id be scared. You would prolly make his life hell huh? :p hah.
Yeah well atleast your iPod Touch wasnt stolen by a old friends sister! lol. Bitch.
Haha niceee. I have so many ideas for some tattoos but just ever draw them out lol.
Oh nicee. Atreyus a good band, well there old stuff.
hahaa i know i love the graff. i said the same shit when i saw it haha.
Nice Nicee, always smoking always chilling (:
But hahaha well that doe suck. I hate...
Haha Random tattoos are badass. Im sure i will have some random crap inked sooner or later. Def wanna get something dumb inside my lip lol.
Nothing really, just been on that job hunt. Shits a killer.
Other then that just been hanging out.
What about you?
Are you dissing Swisher Sweets? :-|
OP, you can put a half dried out orange peel in the bag with you bud. don't leave it in there too long or it will mold. Gives it a nice citrus taste to compliment the weed taste.