May start off way cooler but you aint got 22 pages of pics of orgasm. :p
But i guess ill add mine here too i guess.. god i cant wait till harvest.
These pics are about a week old now, all the hairs are halfway redish brown now. (:
Haha bro i rotate my plants toward the sun all day (: i like to make sure the shorter side gets way more light. I aim it towards the sun rise and side ways for the day and towards horizon at sundown :p
I got some Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom today, fed them. i hope they take well to the nutes. I hope i see a difference soon. How are our babys doing? how many weeks left?
I super cropped and LST'd now i have more main bud sites then i can count.. keep losing count around 60ish. Short Fat bush im telling you. Pics about 5 days old. Ive trimmed some of the leaves and now you can see atleast 5-10 more bud sites.
I recommend people LST and super crop, yeah supper...