Idk. Sounds good since you're on a tight budget. Small plant small yield but definitely a good first grow and learning experience. Nutrients for flower?
Hook it up! Very very nice! My strains are 2 randoms from 420-seeds. Tried collating but no luck. And theres only about 15 it could be. Send some seeds! :) lol
I like azamax but it didn't kill the cats, just the eggs. Bt has killed the 2 I saw and it's been less then 24 hours. I'll look into the ones you mentioned for next grow! Thanks dude.
Thank you! I bought this and the result was found a few today. Barely alive. So I'm thinking it's working! :D one more bt spray next monday. Then azamax for the eggs.
I'm here! My thread died too :(. So gotta support one another. I have a phone so I don't write much cause it's annoying. Post some pics soon! I did some supersoil and didn't feed for about 3 1/2 months. Then used verde fire 2 weeks. Now I'm using floranova bloom 4 8 7, dnf 0 50 30, molasses and...